Part Details for ULN2003A by Motorola Mobility LLC
Results Overview of ULN2003A by Motorola Mobility LLC
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ULN2003A Information
ULN2003A by Motorola Mobility LLC is a Peripheral Driver.
Peripheral Drivers are under the broader part category of Drivers And Interfaces.
A driver controls the current or voltage delivered to components like LCDs or motors, while an interface component connects systems for data transfer and control. Read more about Drivers And Interfaces on our Drivers And Interfaces part category page.
Price & Stock for ULN2003A
Part # | Distributor | Description | Stock | Price | Buy | |
Bristol Electronics | Min Qty: 7 | 263 |
$0.2250 / $0.7500 | Buy Now |
Part Details for ULN2003A
ULN2003A CAD Models
Resources and Additional Insights for ULN2003A
Reference Designs related to ULN2003A
Smart brake control and diagnostics reference design for servo drives and robotics
This reference design implements safe brake control functionality in servo drives as per IEC EN 61800-5-2 by providing two channel output signals to control an external holding brake. The holding brake will be latched when the power supply is cut off and released when voltage is applied to the coil. This is accomplished by enabling/disabling the smart electronic load switches that supply power to the coil. This reference design also includes diagnostic features for detecting various faults: ensuring safe operation. TIDA-01600 uses the C2000 Launchpad to generate the brake control signals and to perform the diagnostics functionality.
Configurable Stepper Driver for HVAC Louver and Motor Control Reference Design
This reference design provides a flexible stepper motor system designed to drive up to two stepper motors: or 8 peripherals: while reducing the number of GPIOs needed from the host controller reducing overall cost. The system is suitable for applications requiring stepper motors or coils up to 50V: and a max current of 2.5A (with all channels enabled). This design features multiple configurations for outputs: allowing multiple peripherals to be driven (i.e. 1 motor: 1 buzzer: 1 relay: and 2 LEDs). It is adaptable to automated louver control in Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems as well as control of relays: buzzers: and LEDs. This concept could also be more broadly expanded to drive any number of channels for other building automation designs including louver control in smart ventilation systems: automated window blind tilting: as well as pan and tilt control for IP cameras.
TIDA-01056 用于在最大限度地减小 EMI 的同时优化供电效率的 20 位 1MSPS DAQ 参考设计
该适用于高性能数据采集 (DAQ) 系统的参考设计优化了功率级,以降低功耗并最大程度地减小开关稳压器的 EMI 影响(通过使用 LMS3635-Q1 降压转换器)。与 LM53635 降压转换器相比,该参考设计可在最轻负载电流下将效率提高 7.2%,从而实现 125.25dB 的 SFDR、99dB 的 SNR 和 16.1 的 ENOB。
Single-phase inverter reference design with voltage source and grid connected modes
This reference design implements single-phase inverter (DC-AC) control using the C2000™ F2837xD and F28004x microcontrollers. Design supports two modes of operation for the inverter. First is the voltage source mode using an output LC filter. This control mode is typically used in uninterruptible power supplies (UPS). Second is grid connected mode with an output LCL filter: which is typically used in solar inverters. Firmware for the design is supported under the powerSUITE framework which enables adaptation using the Solution Adapter and enables tuning of the control loop using the Compensation Designer and SFRA. High-efficiency: low THD and intuitive software make this design attractive for engineers working on inverter design for UPS and alternative energy applications such as PV inverters: grid storage and micro grids.
TIDA-00560 用于 PLC 模块的 16 通道状态 LED 驱动器参考设计
The objective of the TIDA-00560 TI Design is to demonstrate a multi-channel LED driver as required in PLC I/O modules to indicate the status of several analog, digital input, and output channels. Important requirements for such a design like low static current, low component count, minimal PCB re
PMP30026 集成 700V 开关的通用输入转 12V@1A PSR 隔离式反激参考设计
使用准谐振初级侧调节隔离型反激式通过通用输入电压(90Vac 至 264Vac)提供 12V 的电压(电流为 1A)。该转换器不采用任何光耦合器,通过传感初级侧上的辅助绕组来调节输出电压。使用峰值输入电压检测器传感输入交流电压,可提供 1/100 交流 RMS 等效电压,精度为 +/-5%。