A driver is a component that controls the current or voltage delivered to another component or circuit in a system, such as a liquid crystal display (LCD), stepper motors, SRAM memory, high-power transistors, and others. Drivers are typically used to regulate current flowing through a circuit. Depending on the end application, electrical signals can be amplified or switched by different types of drivers.
An interface component is a device that provides a method to connect one system to another, enabling the transfer and control of data between devices. There are many types of circuit interfaces that support different types of serial, wireless, and other communication technologies.
An example of a driver and interface working together in a real-world application is when a USB interface connects a computer to a printer. The USB interface controls the flow of the data between the computer and the printer. The driver is responsible for transmitting the data at the correct voltages, which are received and interpreted accurately by the printer.