XCVU31P-2FSVH1924E by:
AMD Xilinx
AMD Xilinx
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Field Programmable Gate Array,

Part Details for XCVU31P-2FSVH1924E by AMD Xilinx

Results Overview of XCVU31P-2FSVH1924E by AMD Xilinx

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Applications Education and Research Computing and Data Storage Telecommunications

XCVU31P-2FSVH1924E Information

XCVU31P-2FSVH1924E by AMD Xilinx is a Field Programmable Gate Array.
Field Programmable Gate Arrays are under the broader part category of Programmable Logic Devices.

Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs) are reconfigurable digital components that can be customized for different applications, offering flexibility and improved performance over fixed logic devices. Read more about Programmable Logic Devices on our Programmable Logic part category page.

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XCVU31P-2FSVH1924E Part Data Attributes

XCVU31P-2FSVH1924E AMD Xilinx
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XCVU31P-2FSVH1924E AMD Xilinx Field Programmable Gate Array,
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Rohs Code Yes
Part Life Cycle Code Transferred
Ihs Manufacturer XILINX INC
Package Description BGA-1924
Reach Compliance Code compliant
ECCN Code 3A001.A.7.B
HTS Code 8542.39.00.01
Date Of Intro 2017-02-15
JESD-30 Code S-PBGA-B1924
JESD-609 Code e1
Length 45 mm
Moisture Sensitivity Level 4
Number of CLBs 54960
Number of Inputs 208
Number of Logic Cells 961800
Number of Outputs 208
Number of Terminals 1924
Operating Temperature-Max 100 °C
Operating Temperature-Min
Organization 54960 CLBS
Package Body Material PLASTIC/EPOXY
Package Code BGA
Package Equivalence Code BGA1924,44X44,40
Package Shape SQUARE
Package Style GRID ARRAY
Packing Method BOX; TRAY
Peak Reflow Temperature (Cel) 240
Seated Height-Max 4.51 mm
Supply Voltage-Max 0.876 V
Supply Voltage-Min 0.825 V
Supply Voltage-Nom 0.85 V
Surface Mount YES
Terminal Form BALL
Terminal Pitch 1 mm
Terminal Position BOTTOM
Time@Peak Reflow Temperature-Max (s) 30
Width 45 mm

XCVU31P-2FSVH1924E Related Parts

XCVU31P-2FSVH1924E Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Xilinx provides a PCB design guide for the Virtex UltraScale+ family, which includes the XCVU31P. The guide recommends a 6-layer or 8-layer stackup with specific layer assignments for signals, power, and ground. It also provides guidelines for trace routing, via placement, and decoupling capacitors.

  • To optimize power consumption, use the Xilinx Power Estimator (XPE) tool to estimate power consumption based on your design. Then, use the Vivado Design Suite to implement power-saving techniques such as clock gating, voltage scaling, and dynamic voltage and frequency scaling. Additionally, consider using the FPGA's built-in power management features, such as the Power Management Controller (PMC).

  • The XCVU31P has a maximum junction temperature of 100°C. To ensure reliable operation, it's essential to provide adequate thermal management. This can be achieved through the use of heat sinks, thermal interfaces, and airflow management. Xilinx provides thermal modeling tools and guidelines to help with thermal design.

  • To ensure signal integrity for high-speed interfaces, follow the guidelines provided in the Xilinx IBIS-AMI models and the Virtex UltraScale+ FPGA Transceiver Wizard. These resources provide information on signal routing, termination, and equalization. Additionally, use the Vivado Design Suite to implement signal integrity analysis and optimization techniques.

  • The XCVU31P has a range of security features, including a secure boot mechanism, bitstream encryption, and authentication. It also supports secure key storage and has a built-in AES-256 encryption engine. Additionally, the device has a secure debug mechanism to prevent unauthorized access to the FPGA.