TMS320C5535AZAY05 by: Texas Instruments

Low power C55x fixed point DSP- up to 100MHz, USB, LCD interface, FFT HWA, SAR ADC 144-NFBGA -10 to 70

Part Details for TMS320C5535AZAY05 by Texas Instruments

Results Overview of TMS320C5535AZAY05 by Texas Instruments

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TMS320C5535AZAY05 Information

TMS320C5535AZAY05 by Texas Instruments is a Digital Signal Processor.
Digital Signal Processors are under the broader part category of Microcontrollers and Processors.

Microcontrollers (MCUs) are small, low-power integrated circuits used to control embedded systems. Microcontrollers are primarily used to automate and control devices. Read more about Microcontrollers and Processors on our Microcontrollers and Processors part category page.

Available Datasheets

Part # Manufacturer Description Datasheet
TMS320C5535AZAY05 Texas Instruments Low power C55x fixed point DSP- up to 100MHz, USB, LCD interface, FFT HWA, SAR ADC 144-NFBGA -10 to 70

Price & Stock for TMS320C5535AZAY05

Part # Distributor Description Stock Price Buy
DISTI # 296-TMS320C5535AZAY05-ND
DigiKey IC DSP FIXED-POINT 144BGA Min Qty: 160 Lead time: 18 Weeks Container: Tray Temporarily Out of Stock
  • 160 $3.6896
$3.6896 Buy Now
DISTI # 595-S320C5535AZAY05
Mouser Electronics Digital Signal Processors & Controllers - DSP, DSC Low power C55x fixed point DSP- up to 10 RoHS: Compliant 675
  • 1 $7.7000
  • 10 $5.9000
  • 100 $3.8400
  • 250 $3.7900
  • 480 $3.7300
  • 1,120 $3.4600
$3.4600 / $7.7000 Buy Now

Part Details for TMS320C5535AZAY05

TMS320C5535AZAY05 CAD Models

TMS320C5535AZAY05 Part Data Attributes

TMS320C5535AZAY05 Texas Instruments
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TMS320C5535AZAY05 Texas Instruments Low power C55x fixed point DSP- up to 100MHz, USB, LCD interface, FFT HWA, SAR ADC 144-NFBGA -10 to 70
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Pbfree Code Yes
Rohs Code Yes
Part Life Cycle Code Active
Package Description NFBGA-144
Reach Compliance Code compliant
ECCN Code 3A991.A.2
HTS Code 8542.31.00.01
Date Of Intro 2020-05-23
Samacsys Manufacturer Texas Instruments
Address Bus Width
Barrel Shifter NO
Bit Size 16
Boundary Scan YES
Clock Frequency-Max 12 MHz
External Data Bus Width
Integrated Cache NO
Internal Bus Architecture MULTIPLE
JESD-30 Code S-PBGA-B144
JESD-609 Code e1
Length 12 mm
Low Power Mode YES
Moisture Sensitivity Level 3
Number of DMA Channels 16
Number of External Interrupts 2
Number of Terminals 144
Number of Timers 4
On Chip Data RAM Width 16
On Chip Program ROM Width 8
Operating Temperature-Max 70 °C
Operating Temperature-Min -10 °C
Package Body Material PLASTIC/EPOXY
Package Code LFBGA
Package Equivalence Code BGA144,14X14,32
Package Shape SQUARE
Peak Reflow Temperature (Cel) 260
RAM (words) 163840
ROM Programmability MROM
Seated Height-Max 1.4 mm
Supply Voltage-Max 1.15 V
Supply Voltage-Min 0.998 V
Supply Voltage-Nom 1.05 V
Surface Mount YES
Technology CMOS
Temperature Grade COMMERCIAL
Terminal Finish Tin/Silver/Copper (Sn/Ag/Cu)
Terminal Form BALL
Terminal Pitch 0.8 mm
Terminal Position BOTTOM
Time@Peak Reflow Temperature-Max (s) 30
Width 12 mm

Alternate Parts for TMS320C5535AZAY05

This table gives cross-reference parts and alternative options found for TMS320C5535AZAY05. The Form Fit Function (FFF) tab will give you the options that are more likely to serve as direct pin-to-pin alternates or drop-in parts. The Functional Equivalents tab will give you options that are likely to match the same function of TMS320C5535AZAY05, but it may not fit your design. Always verify details of parts you are evaluating, as these parts are offered as suggestions for what you are looking for and are not guaranteed.

Part Number Manufacturer Composite Price Description Compare
TMS320C5535AZAYA05 Texas Instruments $3.6457 Low power C55x fixed point DSP- up to 100MHz, USB, LCD interface, FFT HWA, SAR ADC 144-NFBGA -40 to 85 TMS320C5535AZAY05 vs TMS320C5535AZAYA05

TMS320C5535AZAY05 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • The recommended crystal oscillator frequency for the TMS320C5535AZAY05 is 24.576 MHz or 26 MHz, as specified in the datasheet. However, it's essential to ensure that the chosen frequency meets the specific requirements of your application.

  • The TMS320C5535AZAY05 has several power modes, including Idle, Standby, and Shutdown. To configure these modes, you'll need to use the Power Manager (PWMC) module and set the appropriate registers. Refer to the device's user guide and power management documentation for more information.

  • The maximum current that the TMS320C5535AZAY05's GPIO pins can sink or source is 4 mA per pin, with a total current limit of 100 mA for all GPIO pins combined. However, it's recommended to limit the current to 2 mA per pin to ensure reliable operation.

  • The TMS320C5535AZAY05 has a built-in watchdog timer (WDT) module. To implement a watchdog timer, you'll need to configure the WDT module by setting the appropriate registers, including the watchdog timer period and timeout value. Refer to the device's user guide and watchdog timer documentation for more information.

  • The TMS320C5535AZAY05 has an operating temperature range of -40°C to 85°C (industrial grade) or -40°C to 105°C (extended temperature grade). Ensure that your application operates within the specified temperature range to ensure reliable operation.