TLE4271-2 by:
Infineon Technologies AG
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Infineon Technologies AG
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Fixed Positive LDO Regulator, 5V, 0.7V Dropout, BIPolar, PZFM7, GREEN, PLASTIC, TO-220, 7 PIN

Part Details for TLE4271-2 by Infineon Technologies AG

Results Overview of TLE4271-2 by Infineon Technologies AG

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TLE4271-2 Information

TLE4271-2 by Infineon Technologies AG is a Linear Regulator IC.
Linear Regulator ICs are under the broader part category of Power Circuits.

A power circuit delivers electricity in order to operate a load for an electronic device. Power circuits include transformers, generators and switches. Read more about Power Circuits on our Power Circuits part category page.

Part Details for TLE4271-2

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TLE4271-2 Part Data Attributes

TLE4271-2 Infineon Technologies AG
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TLE4271-2 Infineon Technologies AG Fixed Positive LDO Regulator, 5V, 0.7V Dropout, BIPolar, PZFM7, GREEN, PLASTIC, TO-220, 7 PIN
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Pbfree Code Yes
Rohs Code Yes
Part Life Cycle Code Obsolete
Part Package Code SFM
Package Description GREEN, PLASTIC, TO-220, 7 PIN
Pin Count 3
Reach Compliance Code compliant
HTS Code 8542.39.00.01
Samacsys Manufacturer Infineon
Adjustability FIXED
Dropout Voltage1-Max 0.7 V
Dropout Voltage1-Nom 0.7 V
Input Voltage Absolute-Max 42 V
Input Voltage-Max 40 V
Input Voltage-Min 6 V
JESD-30 Code R-PZFM-T7
JESD-609 Code e3
Line Regulation-Max 0.025%
Load Regulation-Max 0.05%
Number of Functions 1
Number of Outputs 1
Number of Terminals 7
Operating Temperature TJ-Max 150 °C
Operating Temperature TJ-Min -40 °C
Output Current1-Max 0.55 A
Output Voltage1-Max 5.1 V
Output Voltage1-Min 4.9 V
Output Voltage1-Nom 5 V
Package Body Material PLASTIC/EPOXY
Package Code ZIP
Package Equivalence Code ZIP7,.15,.2TB
Package Style FLANGE MOUNT
Qualification Status Not Qualified
Screening Level AEC-Q100
Surface Mount NO
Technology BIPOLAR
Terminal Finish TIN
Terminal Form THROUGH-HOLE
Terminal Pitch 1.27 mm
Terminal Position ZIG-ZAG
Voltage Tolerance-Max 2%

Alternate Parts for TLE4271-2

This table gives cross-reference parts and alternative options found for TLE4271-2. The Form Fit Function (FFF) tab will give you the options that are more likely to serve as direct pin-to-pin alternates or drop-in parts. The Functional Equivalents tab will give you options that are likely to match the same function of TLE4271-2, but it may not fit your design. Always verify details of parts you are evaluating, as these parts are offered as suggestions for what you are looking for and are not guaranteed.

Part Number Manufacturer Composite Price Description Compare
TLE4271 Infineon Technologies AG Check for Price Fixed Positive LDO Regulator, 5V, 0.7V Dropout, BIPolar, PZFM7, PLASTIC, TO-220, 7 PIN TLE4271-2 vs TLE4271
TLE4261-2 Infineon Technologies AG Check for Price Fixed Positive LDO Regulator, 5V, 0.5V Dropout, BIPolar, PZFM7, PLASTIC, TO-220, 7 PIN TLE4271-2 vs TLE4261-2

TLE4271-2 Related Parts

TLE4271-2 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Infineon provides a recommended PCB layout in the application note AN215 'Layout Recommendations for TLE4271-2' which includes guidelines for component placement, routing, and thermal management to ensure optimal performance and minimize electromagnetic interference (EMI).

  • The input capacitor selection depends on the input voltage, output voltage, and output current requirements. A general guideline is to choose a capacitor with a capacitance value between 1uF to 10uF, and a voltage rating that is at least 1.5 times the maximum input voltage. Additionally, the capacitor's ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance) should be low enough to ensure stable operation.

  • The TLE4271-2 is specified to operate from -40°C to 150°C, but the maximum ambient temperature range depends on the specific application and the device's power dissipation. It's recommended to consult the thermal management section in the datasheet and application notes to ensure the device operates within its thermal limits.

  • Yes, the TLE4271-2 is qualified according to AEC-Q100, which makes it suitable for automotive applications. Additionally, Infineon provides a dedicated automotive version of the device, the TLE4271-2Q1, which meets the specific requirements of the automotive industry. For high-reliability applications, it's recommended to consult Infineon's quality and reliability documentation.

  • Infineon provides a troubleshooting guide in the application note AN216 'Troubleshooting Guide for TLE4271-2' which covers common issues and their possible causes. Additionally, it's recommended to consult the datasheet, application notes, and Infineon's support resources for guidance on debugging and resolving issues with the TLE4271-2.