TB62752AFUG,EL by: Toshiba America Electronic Components

Switching Regulator, 1430kHz Switching Freq-Max, BCDMOS, PDSO6

Part Details for TB62752AFUG,EL by Toshiba America Electronic Components

Results Overview of TB62752AFUG,EL by Toshiba America Electronic Components

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TB62752AFUG,EL Information

TB62752AFUG,EL by Toshiba America Electronic Components is a Switching Regulator or Controller.
Switching Regulator or Controllers are under the broader part category of Power Circuits.

A power circuit delivers electricity in order to operate a load for an electronic device. Power circuits include transformers, generators and switches. Read more about Power Circuits on our Power Circuits part category page.

Part Details for TB62752AFUG,EL

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TB62752AFUG,EL Part Data Attributes

TB62752AFUG,EL Toshiba America Electronic Components
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TB62752AFUG,EL Toshiba America Electronic Components Switching Regulator, 1430kHz Switching Freq-Max, BCDMOS, PDSO6
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Part Life Cycle Code Obsolete
Ihs Manufacturer TOSHIBA CORP
Package Description SOP,
Reach Compliance Code unknown
HTS Code 8542.39.00.01
Samacsys Manufacturer Toshiba
Input Voltage-Max 5.5 V
Input Voltage-Min 2.8 V
Input Voltage-Nom 3.6 V
JESD-30 Code R-PDSO-G6
Length 2.9 mm
Number of Functions 1
Number of Terminals 6
Operating Temperature-Max 85 °C
Operating Temperature-Min -40 °C
Package Body Material PLASTIC/EPOXY
Package Code SOP
Package Equivalence Code TSSOP6,.11,37
Seated Height-Max 1.2 mm
Surface Mount YES
Switcher Configuration BOOST
Switching Frequency-Max 1430 kHz
Technology BCDMOS
Temperature Grade INDUSTRIAL
Terminal Form GULL WING
Terminal Pitch 0.95 mm
Terminal Position DUAL
Width 1.6 mm

Alternate Parts for TB62752AFUG,EL

This table gives cross-reference parts and alternative options found for TB62752AFUG,EL. The Form Fit Function (FFF) tab will give you the options that are more likely to serve as direct pin-to-pin alternates or drop-in parts. The Functional Equivalents tab will give you options that are likely to match the same function of TB62752AFUG,EL, but it may not fit your design. Always verify details of parts you are evaluating, as these parts are offered as suggestions for what you are looking for and are not guaranteed.

Part Number Manufacturer Composite Price Description Compare
TB62752AFUG Toshiba America Electronic Components Check for Price IC SWITCHING REGULATOR, 1430 kHz SWITCHING FREQ-MAX, PDSO6, 0.95 MM PITCH, PLASTIC, SSOP-6, Switching Regulator or Controller TB62752AFUG,EL vs TB62752AFUG
AP5724WG-7 Diodes Incorporated $0.3253 Switching Regulator, 1400kHz Switching Freq-Max, PDSO6, GREEN, SOT-26, 6 PIN TB62752AFUG,EL vs AP5724WG-7

TB62752AFUG,EL Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • A good PCB layout for optimal thermal performance would be to have a solid ground plane on the bottom layer, and to use thermal vias to connect the exposed pad to the ground plane. This helps to dissipate heat efficiently.

  • To ensure reliable operation in high-temperature environments, it's essential to follow proper thermal design guidelines, such as providing adequate heat sinking, using thermal interface materials, and ensuring good airflow. Additionally, consider derating the device's power consumption and operating frequency to reduce heat generation.

  • The TB62752AFUG,EL has built-in ESD protection diodes on its input pins. To prevent latch-up, it's recommended to use a series resistor and a capacitor on the input lines to filter out noise and transients. Additionally, ensure that the device is operated within its recommended operating conditions.

  • While the TB62752AFUG,EL is a general-purpose device, it's not specifically designed for automotive applications. For automotive use, consider using AEC-Q100 qualified devices that meet the stringent requirements for temperature, voltage, and reliability in automotive systems.

  • To prevent damage and ensure long-term reliability, store the TB62752AFUG,EL in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and moisture. Avoid storing the device in areas with high humidity, extreme temperatures, or exposure to chemicals.