RP23740A30DBFPBK by: Kyocera AVX Components

Fixed Attenuator,

Part Details for RP23740A30DBFPBK by Kyocera AVX Components

Results Overview of RP23740A30DBFPBK by Kyocera AVX Components

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RP23740A30DBFPBK Information

RP23740A30DBFPBK by Kyocera AVX Components is an RF/Microwave Attenuator.
RF/Microwave Attenuators are under the broader part category of RF and Microwave Components.

RF and Microwave Engineering focuses on the design and operation of devices that transmit or receive radio waves. The main distinction between RF and microwave engineering is their wavelength, which influences how energy is transmitted and used in various applications. Read more about RF and Microwave Components on our RF and Microwave part category page.

Part Details for RP23740A30DBFPBK

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RP23740A30DBFPBK Part Data Attributes

RP23740A30DBFPBK Kyocera AVX Components
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RP23740A30DBFPBK Kyocera AVX Components Fixed Attenuator,
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Pbfree Code Yes
Rohs Code Yes
Part Life Cycle Code Obsolete
Ihs Manufacturer AVX CORP
Reach Compliance Code compliant
Attenuation-Nom 30 dB
Construction MODULE
Input Power-Max (CW) 51.76 dBm
JESD-609 Code e4
Mounting Feature PANEL MOUNT
Number of Terminals 2
Operating Frequency-Max 3000 MHz
Operating Frequency-Min
Operating Temperature-Max 150 °C
Operating Temperature-Min -55 °C
RF/Microwave Device Type FIXED ATTENUATOR
Surface Mount NO
Terminal Finish Silver (Ag)
VSWR-Max 1.25

RP23740A30DBFPBK Related Parts

RP23740A30DBFPBK Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • The recommended land pattern for RP23740A30DBFPBK can be found in the Kyocera AVX Components' recommended land pattern document, which is usually available on their website or through their customer support. The document provides detailed information on the recommended pad size, shape, and spacing for optimal performance and reliability.

  • Thermal management is critical for the reliability and performance of RP23740A30DBFPBK. Engineers should ensure that the component is mounted on a thermally conductive material, such as a copper or aluminum heat sink, and that there is adequate airflow around the component. Additionally, the component's thermal resistance can be reduced by using thermal interface materials, such as thermal tape or thermal grease.

  • The maximum operating temperature range for RP23740A30DBFPBK is typically specified in the datasheet as -40°C to +125°C. However, it's essential to note that the component's performance and reliability may degrade at higher temperatures, and engineers should consider derating the component's specifications accordingly.

  • To ensure the reliability of RP23740A30DBFPBK in high-vibration environments, engineers should consider using additional mechanical support, such as a bracket or a clamp, to secure the component to the PCB. Additionally, the component's solder joints should be inspected regularly to ensure that they remain intact and free from cracks or damage.

  • The recommended soldering profile for RP23740A30DBFPBK can be found in the Kyocera AVX Components' soldering guidelines document, which is usually available on their website or through their customer support. The document provides detailed information on the recommended soldering temperature, time, and flux type for optimal solder joint reliability.