RCP1206W200RGEB by:
Vishay Intertechnologies
Vishay Dale
Vishay Intertechnologies
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Fixed Resistor, Metal Glaze/thick Film, 2.4W, 200ohm, 21.9089V, 2% +/-Tol, 150ppm/Cel, Surface Mount, 1206, CHIP

Part Details for RCP1206W200RGEB by Vishay Intertechnologies

Results Overview of RCP1206W200RGEB by Vishay Intertechnologies

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RCP1206W200RGEB Information

RCP1206W200RGEB by Vishay Intertechnologies is a Metal Glaze/Thick Film Resistor.
Metal Glaze/Thick Film Resistors are under the broader part category of Resistors.

Resistors are passive components that work by limiting electron flow in a circuit. They are available as fixed or as variable (potentionmeters). Read more about Resistors on our Resistors part category page.

Price & Stock for RCP1206W200RGEB

Part # Distributor Description Stock Price Buy
Avnet Americas RES THKFLM ALUM NITRIDE 1206 200 OHM 2% EBPPM WIDE TERM SMD - Tape and Reel (Alt: RCP1206W200RGEB) RoHS: Compliant Min Qty: 1000 Package Multiple: 1000 Lead time: 7 Weeks, 0 Days Container: Reel 0
  • 1,000 $0.8592
  • 2,000 $0.8026
  • 4,000 $0.6557
  • 6,000 $0.6475
  • 8,000 $0.6094
$0.6094 / $0.8592 Buy Now
DISTI # 71-RCP1206W200RGEB
Mouser Electronics Thick Film Resistors - SMD 2.4watt 200ohms 2% 1206 WIDE TERM RoHS: Compliant 0
  • 1 $1.4300
  • 10 $1.0400
  • 100 $0.9860
  • 250 $0.9850
  • 500 $0.8780
  • 1,000 $0.8400
  • 2,000 $0.7880
  • 5,000 $0.7530
  • 10,000 $0.7400
$0.7400 / $1.4300 Order Now
Future Electronics   RoHS: Compliant pbFree: Yes Min Qty: 1000 Package Multiple: 1000 Lead time: 7 Weeks 0
  • 1,000 $0.8360
$0.8360 Buy Now
TTI Thick Film Resistors - SMD 2.4watt 200ohms 2% 1206 WIDE TERM pbFree: Pb-Free Min Qty: 1000 Package Multiple: 1000 Container: Reel Americas - 0
  • 1,000 $0.8400
  • 2,000 $0.8100
  • 3,000 $0.7900
  • 5,000 $0.7700
  • 10,000 $0.7400
$0.7400 / $0.8400 Buy Now
Avnet Abacus (Alt: RCP1206W200RGEB) RoHS: Compliant Min Qty: 1000 Package Multiple: 1000 Lead time: 10 Weeks, 0 Days Abacus - 0
Buy Now

Part Details for RCP1206W200RGEB

RCP1206W200RGEB CAD Models

RCP1206W200RGEB Part Data Attributes

RCP1206W200RGEB Vishay Intertechnologies
Buy Now Datasheet
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RCP1206W200RGEB Vishay Intertechnologies Fixed Resistor, Metal Glaze/thick Film, 2.4W, 200ohm, 21.9089V, 2% +/-Tol, 150ppm/Cel, Surface Mount, 1206, CHIP
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Rohs Code Yes
Part Life Cycle Code Active
Package Description CHIP
Reach Compliance Code unknown
HTS Code 8533.21.00.30
Factory Lead Time 7 Weeks
Samacsys Manufacturer Vishay
Construction Rectangular
JESD-609 Code e3
Mounting Feature SURFACE MOUNT
Number of Terminals 2
Operating Temperature-Max 155 °C
Operating Temperature-Min -65 °C
Package Height 0.51 mm
Package Length 3.1 mm
Package Style SMT
Package Width 1.52 mm
Packing Method TR, 7 INCH
Rated Power Dissipation (P) 2.4 W
Rated Temperature 25 °C
Resistance 200 Ω
Size Code 1206
Surface Mount YES
Temperature Coefficient 150 ppm/°C
Terminal Finish Tin (Sn) - with Nickel (Ni) barrier
Terminal Shape WRAPAROUND
Tolerance 2%
Working Voltage 21.9089 V

Alternate Parts for RCP1206W200RGEB

This table gives cross-reference parts and alternative options found for RCP1206W200RGEB. The Form Fit Function (FFF) tab will give you the options that are more likely to serve as direct pin-to-pin alternates or drop-in parts. The Functional Equivalents tab will give you options that are likely to match the same function of RCP1206W200RGEB, but it may not fit your design. Always verify details of parts you are evaluating, as these parts are offered as suggestions for what you are looking for and are not guaranteed.

Part Number Manufacturer Composite Price Description Compare
RCP1206B200RGS3 Vishay Intertechnologies Check for Price Fixed Resistor, Metal Glaze/thick Film, 2.4W, 200ohm, 21.9089V, 2% +/-Tol, 150ppm/Cel, Surface Mount, 1206, CHIP RCP1206W200RGEB vs RCP1206B200RGS3
RCP1206W200RGS2 Vishay Intertechnologies Check for Price Fixed Resistor, Metal Glaze/thick Film, 2.4W, 200ohm, 21.9089V, 2% +/-Tol, 150ppm/Cel, Surface Mount, 1206, CHIP RCP1206W200RGEB vs RCP1206W200RGS2
RCP1206W200RGWB Vishay Intertechnologies Check for Price Fixed Resistor, Metal Glaze/thick Film, 2.4W, 200ohm, 21.9089V, 2% +/-Tol, 150ppm/Cel, Surface Mount, 1206, CHIP RCP1206W200RGEB vs RCP1206W200RGWB
RCP1206W200RGED Vishay Intertechnologies Check for Price Fixed Resistor, Metal Glaze/thick Film, 2.4W, 200ohm, 21.9089V, 2% +/-Tol, 150ppm/Cel, Surface Mount, 1206, CHIP RCP1206W200RGEB vs RCP1206W200RGED
RCP1206W200RGEA Vishay Intertechnologies Check for Price Fixed Resistor, Metal Glaze/thick Film, 2.4W, 200ohm, 21.9089V, 2% +/-Tol, 150ppm/Cel, Surface Mount, 1206, CHIP RCP1206W200RGEB vs RCP1206W200RGEA
RCP1206B200RGS6 Vishay Intertechnologies Check for Price Fixed Resistor, Metal Glaze/thick Film, 2.4W, 200ohm, 21.9089V, 2% +/-Tol, 150ppm/Cel, Surface Mount, 1206, CHIP RCP1206W200RGEB vs RCP1206B200RGS6
RCP1206B200RGS2 Vishay Intertechnologies Check for Price Fixed Resistor, Metal Glaze/thick Film, 2.4W, 200ohm, 21.9089V, 2% +/-Tol, 150ppm/Cel, Surface Mount, 1206, CHIP RCP1206W200RGEB vs RCP1206B200RGS2
RCP1206W200RGS3 Vishay Intertechnologies Check for Price Fixed Resistor, Metal Glaze/thick Film, 2.4W, 200ohm, 21.9089V, 2% +/-Tol, 150ppm/Cel, Surface Mount, 1206, CHIP RCP1206W200RGEB vs RCP1206W200RGS3
RCP1206B200RGEC Vishay Intertechnologies Check for Price Fixed Resistor, Metal Glaze/thick Film, 2.4W, 200ohm, 21.9089V, 2% +/-Tol, 150ppm/Cel, Surface Mount, 1206, CHIP RCP1206W200RGEB vs RCP1206B200RGEC
RCP1206B200RGET Vishay Intertechnologies Check for Price Fixed Resistor, Metal Glaze/thick Film, 2.4W, 200ohm, 21.9089V, 2% +/-Tol, 150ppm/Cel, Surface Mount, 1206, CHIP RCP1206W200RGEB vs RCP1206B200RGET

RCP1206W200RGEB Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • The recommended land pattern for RCP1206W200RGEB is a rectangular pad with a size of 1.3 mm x 1.3 mm, with a non-solder mask defined (NSMD) pad shape. This is to ensure proper soldering and to prevent solder bridging.

  • RCP1206W200RGEB has a maximum operating temperature of 150°C. While it can tolerate high temperatures, it's essential to consider the derating curve and ensure that the resistor's power rating is not exceeded. Consult the datasheet and application notes for more information.

  • RCP1206W200RGEB is a moisture-sensitive device. To prevent damage, store the resistors in their original packaging or in a dry, nitrogen-filled environment. Follow the recommended baking and handling procedures before soldering.

  • The recommended soldering profile for RCP1206W200RGEB is a peak temperature of 260°C, with a dwell time of 10-30 seconds. Ensure that the soldering process is within the specified temperature range to prevent damage to the resistor.

  • RCP1206W200RGEB is designed to withstand moderate vibration and shock. However, it's essential to consider the specific application requirements and ensure that the resistor is properly secured and supported to prevent mechanical stress.