PHP55N03LTA by:
Philips Semiconductors
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Philips Semiconductors
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Power Field-Effect Transistor, N-Channel, Metal-oxide Semiconductor FET,

Part Details for PHP55N03LTA by Philips Semiconductors

Results Overview of PHP55N03LTA by Philips Semiconductors

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PHP55N03LTA Information

PHP55N03LTA by Philips Semiconductors is a Power Field-Effect Transistor.
Power Field-Effect Transistors are under the broader part category of Transistors.

A transistor is a small semiconductor device used to amplify, control, or create electrical signals. When selecting a transistor, factors such as voltage, current rating, gain, and power dissipation must be considered, with common types. Read more about Transistors on our Transistors part category page.

Price & Stock for PHP55N03LTA

Part # Distributor Description Stock Price Buy
Bristol Electronics   10
Quest Components   512
  • 1 $2.8800
  • 209 $1.3320
  • 451 $1.1880
$1.1880 / $2.8800 Buy Now

Part Details for PHP55N03LTA

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PHP55N03LTA Part Data Attributes

PHP55N03LTA Philips Semiconductors
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PHP55N03LTA Philips Semiconductors Power Field-Effect Transistor, N-Channel, Metal-oxide Semiconductor FET,
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Rohs Code Yes
Part Life Cycle Code Transferred
Reach Compliance Code unknown
Configuration SINGLE
Drain Current-Max (ID) 55 A
JESD-609 Code e3
Number of Elements 1
Operating Temperature-Max 175 °C
Polarity/Channel Type N-CHANNEL
Power Dissipation-Max (Abs) 85 W
Surface Mount NO
Terminal Finish Matte Tin (Sn)

PHP55N03LTA Related Parts

PHP55N03LTA Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • The maximum junction temperature (Tj) for PHP55N03LTA is 175°C, which is not explicitly mentioned in the datasheet. However, it's a common value for most power MOSFETs.

  • To calculate the power dissipation, you need to consider the drain-source on-state resistance (Rds(on)), drain current (Id), and voltage (Vds). The formula is: Pd = Rds(on) * Id^2 + Vds * Id. You can find the Rds(on) value in the datasheet.

  • The recommended gate resistor value for PHP55N03LTA is typically between 10 Ω to 100 Ω. However, the optimal value depends on the specific application, switching frequency, and gate driver characteristics. A higher value can reduce EMI, while a lower value can improve switching speed.

  • Yes, PHP55N03LTA is suitable for high-frequency switching applications up to 100 kHz. However, you need to consider the gate charge, switching losses, and parasitic inductances to ensure reliable operation. A proper PCB layout and thermal management are also crucial.

  • To protect PHP55N03LTA from overvoltage and overcurrent, you can use a combination of voltage regulators, TVS diodes, and current sense resistors. Additionally, consider implementing overcurrent protection (OCP) and overvoltage protection (OVP) circuits in your design.