PE9852/2F-20 by: Pasternack Enterprises

Part Details for PE9852/2F-20 by Pasternack Enterprises

Results Overview of PE9852/2F-20 by Pasternack Enterprises

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PE9852/2F-20 Information

PE9852/2F-20 by Pasternack Enterprises is an XO.
XO are under the broader part category of Oscillators.

Oscillators are electronic components that produce sine or square waves in order to convert signals. Read more about Oscillators on our Oscillators part category page.

Price & Stock for PE9852/2F-20

Part # Distributor Description Stock Price Buy
DISTI # PE9852/2F-20
Pasternack Enterprises US Key Specifications, Waveguide Size: WR-42, Gain Min: 20, Beam Width, 3dB V: 17.8, Beam Width, 3dB H:... 17.5, Frequency, Min: 18 GHz, Frequency, Max: 26.5 GHz. WR-42 Standard Gain Horn Antenna Operating From 18 GHz to 26.5 GHz With a Nominal 20 dB Gain 2.92mm Female Input Connector. PE9852/2F-20 standard gain horn antenna (also known as a waveguide horn antenna) is part of our huge selection of waveguide antennas. Pasternack standard gain horn antenna is manufactured with a WR-42 input and a waveguide to coaxial transition adapter. Our WR-42 standard gain horn antenna has a waveguide to coax adapter transition with a 2.92mm connector input that is female gender. WR-42 standard gain horn waveguide antenna with 2.92mm input has a minimum frequency of 18 GHz and a maximum frequency of 26.5 GHz. Pasternack PE9852/2F-20 WR-42 waveguide horn standard gain antenna is rated at a nominal 20 dB gain. Our 20 dB standard gain horn WR-42 waveguide antenna with 2.92mm adapter has a vertical beam width of 17.8 and horizontal of 17.5 degrees at 3 dB. Pasternack is where to buy a WR-42 standard waveguide gain horn antenna with WR-42 input. This gain horn antenna is just one part of over 40,000 RF, microwave and millimeter wave guide components available and in-stock at our Irvine, CA United States warehouse. Our WR-42 standard waveguide horn antenna with 2.92mm female interface can ship worldwide the same day that it is purchased as with our other available RF parts. more Min Qty: 1 Package Multiple: 1 0
  • 1 $1,590.0000
  • 5 $1,526.4000
  • 10 $1,462.8000
$1,462.8000 / $1,590.0000 Buy Now

Part Details for PE9852/2F-20

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