PE7433-20 by: Pasternack Enterprises

Part Details for PE7433-20 by Pasternack Enterprises

Results Overview of PE7433-20 by Pasternack Enterprises

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PE7433-20 Information

PE7433-20 by Pasternack Enterprises is an RF/Microwave Attenuator.
RF/Microwave Attenuators are under the broader part category of RF and Microwave Components.

RF and Microwave Engineering focuses on the design and operation of devices that transmit or receive radio waves. The main distinction between RF and microwave engineering is their wavelength, which influences how energy is transmitted and used in various applications. Read more about RF and Microwave Components on our RF and Microwave part category page.

Price & Stock for PE7433-20

Part # Distributor Description Stock Price Buy
DISTI # 3985-PE7433-20-ND
DigiKey CTN ROTARY ATTN 0-20DB 7-10GHZ Min Qty: 1 Container: Case MARKETPLACE PRODUCT 3
In Stock
  • 1 $2,017.6000
  • 5 $1,936.8960
  • 10 $1,856.1920
  • 25 $1,775.4880
$1,775.4880 / $2,017.6000 Buy Now
DISTI # PE7433-20
Pasternack Enterprises US Key Specifications, Design: Continuously Variable, Maximum Frequency: 10 GHz, Impedance: 50 Ohm, Pow... er Maximum: 5 Watt, VSWR Maximum: 1.5:1, Connector Series 1: SMA, Connector Gender 1: Female, Connector Series 2: SMA, Connector Gender 2: Female, Minimum Attenuation: 0 dB, Maximum Attenuation: 20 dB. 0 to 20 dB Variable Attenuator, SMA Female to SMA Female Rated to 5 Watts from 7 GHz to 10 GHz. PE7433-20 is a variable attenuator from Pasternack. This SMA microwave attenuator is a continuously variable attenuator design. Our coaxial 50 Ohm adjustable attenuator is precision manufactured to RF and microwave industry specifications. The Pasternack variable RF attenuator has a female gender for connector 1 and a SMA female for connector 2. PE7433-20 variable attenuator has a minimum attenuation of 0 dB and a maximum attenuation of 20 dB. This microwave variable attenuator has frequency range of 7 GHz to 10 GHz and a maximum VSWR of 1.5:1. Our countinously variable attenuator is rated to 5 Watt at the stated attenuation. Our variable attenuator PE7433-20 is shipped same day as purchased from Pasternack's facility certified to ISO 9001:2015. This attenuator is part of over 40,000 RF, microwave and millimeter wave products that ship the same day worldwide, including custom cable assemblies. more Min Qty: 1 Package Multiple: 1 3
  • 1 $1,940.0000
  • 5 $1,862.4000
  • 10 $1,784.8000
  • 25 $1,707.2000
$1,707.2000 / $1,940.0000 Buy Now

Part Details for PE7433-20

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