PE36779 by: Pasternack Enterprises

Part Details for PE36779 by Pasternack Enterprises

Results Overview of PE36779 by Pasternack Enterprises

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Price & Stock for PE36779

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DISTI # PE36779
Pasternack Enterprises US Key Specifications, Connector Series 1: TNC, Connector Gender 1: Female, Connector Polarity 1: Stand... ard, Connector Angle 1: Straight, Connector Mount Method 1: Bulkhead, Connector Impedance 1: 50, Connector Series 2: SMC, Connector Gender 2: Plug, Connector Polarity 2: Standard, Connector Angle 2: Right Angle, Connector Mount Method 2: None, Connector Impedance 2: 50, RF Cable Part Number: RG174A/U, RF Cable Type: RG174, RF Cable Impedance: 50. TNC Female Bulkhead to SMC Plug Right Angle Cable Using RG174 Coax. PE36779 is a TNC female bulkhead to SMC plug right angle cable using RG174 coax. This Pasternack TNC female bulkhead to SMC plug right angle cable assembly uses a 50 Ohm TNC for connector 1 and a 50 Ohm SMC for connector 2. TNC to SMC right angle coaxial cable assembly uses 90 degree right angle coax cable connector. Our female TNC bulkhead to plug SMC right angle cable assembly uses a flexible cable type that is 50 Ohm. Pasternack PE36779 TNC female bulkhead to SMC plug right angle cable assembly is constructed with RG174 coax and the maximum VSWR is 1.4:1. more Min Qty: 1 Package Multiple: 1 1630
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