PE35428/HS by: Pasternack Enterprises

Part Details for PE35428/HS by Pasternack Enterprises

Results Overview of PE35428/HS by Pasternack Enterprises

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DISTI # PE35428/HS
Pasternack Enterprises US Key Specifications, Connector Series 1: N, Connector Gender 1: Male, Connector Polarity 1: Standard,... Connector Angle 1: Straight, Connector Mount Method 1: None, Connector Impedance 1: 50 Ohm, Connector Series 2: TNC, Connector Gender 2: Male, Connector Polarity 2: Standard, Connector Angle 2: Right Angle, Connector Mount Method 2: None, Connector Impedance 2: 50 Ohm, RF Cable Part Number: RG213/U, RF Cable Type: RG213, RF Cable Impedance: 50 Ohm. N Male to TNC Male Right Angle Cable Using RG213 Coax with HeatShrink. PE35428/HS is a N male to TNC male right angle cable using RG213 coax. This Pasternack N male to TNC male right angle cable assembly uses a 50 Ohm N for connector 1 and a 50 Ohm TNC for connector 2. N to TNC right angle coaxial cable assembly uses 90 degree right angle coax cable connector. Our male N to male TNC right angle cable assembly uses a flexible cable type that is 50 Ohm. Pasternack PE35428/HS N male to TNC male right angle cable assembly is constructed with RG213 coax. more Min Qty: 1 Package Multiple: 1 0
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Part Details for PE35428/HS

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