NHIXP435ADT by: Intel Corporation


Part Details for NHIXP435ADT by Intel Corporation

Results Overview of NHIXP435ADT by Intel Corporation

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NHIXP435ADT Information

NHIXP435ADT by Intel Corporation is a Microprocessor.
Microprocessors are under the broader part category of Microcontrollers and Processors.

Microcontrollers (MCUs) are small, low-power integrated circuits used to control embedded systems. Microcontrollers are primarily used to automate and control devices. Read more about Microcontrollers and Processors on our Microcontrollers and Processors part category page.

Part Details for NHIXP435ADT


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NHIXP435ADT Part Data Attributes

NHIXP435ADT Intel Corporation
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NHIXP435ADT Intel Corporation Microprocessor
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Pbfree Code Yes
Rohs Code Yes
Part Life Cycle Code Obsolete
Ihs Manufacturer INTEL CORP
Reach Compliance Code compliant
HTS Code 8542.31.00.01
Number of Terminals 460
Operating Temperature-Max 85 °C
Operating Temperature-Min -40 °C
Package Body Material PLASTIC/EPOXY
Package Equivalence Code BGA460,24X24,50
Qualification Status Not Qualified
Surface Mount YES
Temperature Grade INDUSTRIAL

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NHIXP435ADT Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Intel provides a reference design guide for the NHIXP435ADT, which includes recommendations for PCB layout, thermal design, and heat sink selection. It's essential to follow these guidelines to ensure optimal performance and prevent overheating.

  • The NHIXP435ADT requires a specific power sequencing and voltage regulation scheme. Intel recommends using a dedicated power management IC (PMIC) or a custom power supply design that meets the device's power requirements. The datasheet provides guidelines for power sequencing and voltage regulation, but additional design considerations may be necessary.

  • The NHIXP435ADT has specific requirements for clock signal routing and termination to ensure signal integrity and minimize jitter. Intel recommends using a clock tree architecture with controlled impedance, and terminating clock signals with a 50-ohm resistor to ground. Additionally, clock signal routing should be kept short and away from noisy signals.

  • Optimizing the NHIXP435ADT's performance requires a deep understanding of the device's architecture and the specific requirements of your application. Intel provides a range of tools and resources, including development kits, software development kits (SDKs), and application notes, to help engineers optimize the device's performance for their specific use case.

  • The NHIXP435ADT is designed to operate in a range of environments, including industrial and automotive applications. Intel provides reliability and durability data for the device, including temperature ratings, humidity tolerance, and vibration resistance. However, additional testing and validation may be necessary to ensure the device meets the specific requirements of your application.