NBPC141206-00VDR by: L-com Inc

Part Details for NBPC141206-00VDR by L-com Inc

Results Overview of NBPC141206-00VDR by L-com Inc

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NBPC141206-00VDR Information

NBPC141206-00VDR by L-com Inc is a Pressure Sensor.
Pressure Sensors are under the broader part category of Sensors/Transducers.

Sensors and transducers detect and measure physical quantities like temperature, pressure, and force, converting them into electrical signals for various applications. Read more about Sensors/Transducers on our Sensors/Transducers part category page.

Price & Stock for NBPC141206-00VDR

Part # Distributor Description Stock Price Buy
DISTI # 29AH3063
Newark Enclosure, Din Rail, Pc, Grey, Enclosure Type:Din Rail, Enclosure Material:Polycarbonate, Externa... l Height - Metric:370.8Mm, External Width - Metric:320Mm, External Depth - Metric:188Mm, Ip Rating:Ip24, Body Color:Gray Rohs Compliant: Yes |L-Com NBPC141206-00VDR more RoHS: Compliant Min Qty: 1 Package Multiple: 1 Date Code: 0 Container: Bulk 0
  • 1 $342.2100
  • 5 $321.5400
  • 10 $300.8700
$300.8700 / $342.2100 Buy Now
DISTI # 5073-NBPC141206-00VDR-ND
DigiKey ENCL PC 14X12X06" W/VENTED LID & Min Qty: 1 Lead time: 4 Weeks Container: Bag Temporarily Out of Stock
  • 1 $316.2100
$316.2100 Buy Now
DISTI # 71819252
RS 14x12x06 Polycarbonate Weatherproof NEMA 3R Enclosure, Modified Base DIN Rail Mo | L-com NBPC141206-... 00VDR more RoHS: Compliant Min Qty: 1 Package Multiple: 1 Lead time: 3 Weeks, 0 Days Container: Bulk 0
  • 1 $347.9800
  • 10 $332.3300
  • 25 $302.4200
$302.4200 / $347.9800 RFQ
Onlinecomponents.com ENCL PC 14x12x06" w/Vented Lid & DIN Rail Mount RoHS: Compliant 0
  • 1 $328.1000
  • 3 $318.9800
  • 5 $314.2000
  • 10 $309.4900
$309.4900 / $328.1000 Buy Now
DISTI # NBPC141206-00VDR
L-com US The box is a rugged weatherproof enclosure that is ideal for both indoor and outdoor applications. C... onstructed from High-Impact, UV Resistant Polycarbonate material that provides superior durability to impacts and ease of modification while maintaining minimum weight. It is well suited for high temperature or corrosive environments. The lid includes two vents with installed rain guards and filters. The included wall mount brackets come uninstalled and bagged with their hardware inside of the enclosure. Once the brackets are installed the enclosure can be mounted directly to any flat wall surface provided proper screws are used into secure studs. The brackets, once installed, also allow you to use our HGX-PMT pole mount kits. The lid features a non-metallic hinge system that allows for quick removal & can be reattached just as quickly without the need for any tools. The enclosure comes with a pair of stainless-steel latches with padlock eyes allowing you to secure the enclosure from tampering. The enclosure comes in a Dark Gray (Pantone 422C) Mounting Rails The aluminum mounting rails installed within the NBPC141206-00VDR provides provisions to mount DIN3 Rails for installing a number of off-the-shelf DIN Modules and systems. The flexibility of DIN rail mounting system and the large selection of modules available offer any number of application solutions indoors and out, even in rainy environments. The NEMA Type 3R/IP24 provides a vented, weatherproof environment, to safely house the control, routing and power systems being designed with the DIN Modules. The DIN Rails can be adapted to hold other systems and components to accommodate their placement in the enclosure. The enclosure features holes for two N-Bulkhead connectors or Lightning Protectors, a grounding lug, and a cable conduit connector to accept power or system feeds into the enclosure. The HGX-PMT series of pole mounting kits allow the populated enclosure to be securely mounted to a variety of different size poles. Compatible versions include HGX-PMT13, HGX-PMT16, HGX-PMT28, HGX-PMT29, HGX-PMT30, & HGX-PMT33. more Min Qty: 1 Package Multiple: 1 474
  • 1 $383.9900
  • 10 $376.3100
  • 25 $368.6300
  • 100 $360.9500
  • 250 $353.2700
  • 500 $345.5900
$345.5900 / $383.9900 Buy Now

Part Details for NBPC141206-00VDR

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