MC33204PG by:
Rochester Electronics LLC
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Operational Amplifier, Rail to Rail I/O, High Output Drive Quad; TA= -40 ° to +105°C, PDIP-14, 25-TUBE

Part Details for MC33204PG by onsemi

Results Overview of MC33204PG by onsemi

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Applications Energy and Power Systems Transportation and Logistics Renewable Energy Automotive

MC33204PG Information

MC33204PG by onsemi is an Operational Amplifier.
Operational Amplifiers are under the broader part category of Amplifier Circuits.

Amplifier circuits use external power to increase the amplitude of an input signal. They can be used to perform linear amplifications or logarithmic functions. Read more about Amplifier Circuits on our Amplifier Circuits part category page.

Price & Stock for MC33204PG

Part # Distributor Description Stock Price Buy
ComSIT USA LOW VOLTAGE, RAIL-TO-RAIL OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER Operational Amplifier, 4 Func, 13000uV Offset-Max, BIPolar, PDIP14 RoHS: Compliant Stock DE - 50
Stock ES - 50
Stock US - 0
Stock MX - 0
Stock CN - 0
Stock HK - 0
DISTI # C1S541900349481
Chip One Stop OP Amp Quad GP R-R I/O ±6V/12V 14-Pin PDIP Tube RoHS: Compliant pbFree: Yes Container: Tube 3
  • 1 $0.3320
$0.3320 Buy Now

Part Details for MC33204PG

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MC33204PG Part Data Attributes

MC33204PG onsemi
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MC33204PG onsemi Operational Amplifier, Rail to Rail I/O, High Output Drive Quad; TA= -40 ° to +105°C, PDIP-14, 25-TUBE
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Pbfree Code Yes
Part Life Cycle Code Obsolete
Ihs Manufacturer ONSEMI
Part Package Code PDIP-14
Package Description LEAD FREE, PLASTIC, DIP-14
Pin Count 14
Manufacturer Package Code 646-06
Reach Compliance Code unknown
HTS Code 8542.33.00.01
Samacsys Manufacturer onsemi
Average Bias Current-Max (IIB) 0.25 µA
Bias Current-Max (IIB) @25C 0.2 µA
Common-mode Reject Ratio-Nom 90 dB
Frequency Compensation YES
Input Offset Voltage-Max 13000 µV
JESD-30 Code R-PDIP-T14
JESD-609 Code e3
Length 18.86 mm
Low-Offset NO
Number of Functions 4
Number of Terminals 14
Operating Temperature-Max 105 °C
Operating Temperature-Min -40 °C
Package Body Material PLASTIC/EPOXY
Package Code DIP
Package Equivalence Code DIP14,.3
Package Style IN-LINE
Packing Method RAIL
Peak Reflow Temperature (Cel) 260
Qualification Status Not Qualified
Seated Height-Max 4.69 mm
Slew Rate-Min 0.5 V/us
Slew Rate-Nom 1 V/us
Supply Current-Max 4.5 mA
Supply Voltage Limit-Max 13 V
Supply Voltage-Nom (Vsup) 5 V
Surface Mount NO
Technology BIPOLAR
Temperature Grade INDUSTRIAL
Terminal Finish Tin (Sn)
Terminal Form THROUGH-HOLE
Terminal Pitch 2.54 mm
Terminal Position DUAL
Unity Gain BW-Nom 2200
Voltage Gain-Min 25000
Width 7.62 mm

Alternate Parts for MC33204PG

This table gives cross-reference parts and alternative options found for MC33204PG. The Form Fit Function (FFF) tab will give you the options that are more likely to serve as direct pin-to-pin alternates or drop-in parts. The Functional Equivalents tab will give you options that are likely to match the same function of MC33204PG, but it may not fit your design. Always verify details of parts you are evaluating, as these parts are offered as suggestions for what you are looking for and are not guaranteed.

Part Number Manufacturer Composite Price Description Compare
MC33204PG Rochester Electronics LLC Check for Price QUAD OP-AMP, 13000uV OFFSET-MAX, 2.2MHz BAND WIDTH, PDIP14, LEAD FREE, PLASTIC, DIP-14 MC33204PG vs MC33204PG
Part Number Manufacturer Composite Price Description Compare
MC33204P Motorola Mobility LLC Check for Price QUAD OP-AMP, 13000uV OFFSET-MAX, 2.2MHz BAND WIDTH, PDIP14, PLASTIC, DIP-14 MC33204PG vs MC33204P
MC33204VPG Rochester Electronics LLC Check for Price QUAD OP-AMP, 17000uV OFFSET-MAX, 2.2MHz BAND WIDTH, PDIP14, LEAD FREE, PLASTIC, DIP-14 MC33204PG vs MC33204VPG
MC33204VP onsemi Check for Price QUAD OP-AMP, 17000uV OFFSET-MAX, 2.2MHz BAND WIDTH, PDIP14, PLASTIC, DIP-14 MC33204PG vs MC33204VP
MC33204VP Motorola Mobility LLC Check for Price QUAD OP-AMP, 17000uV OFFSET-MAX, 2.2MHz BAND WIDTH, PDIP14, PLASTIC, DIP-14 MC33204PG vs MC33204VP

MC33204PG Related Parts

MC33204PG Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • A good PCB layout for the MC33204PG involves keeping the input and output capacitors close to the IC, using a solid ground plane, and minimizing the length of the input and output traces. Additionally, it's recommended to use a shielded inductor and to keep the switching node (pin 5) away from sensitive analog circuits.

  • The inductor value depends on the input voltage, output voltage, and switching frequency. A good starting point is to use the inductor value calculation formula provided in the datasheet. Additionally, consider the inductor's saturation current, DC resistance, and core material when selecting an inductor.

  • The MC33204PG is rated for operation from -40°C to 125°C. However, the maximum ambient temperature range may be limited by the specific application and the thermal design of the system.

  • Yes, the MC33204PG can be used in a synchronous rectification configuration. However, this requires additional external components and careful design consideration to ensure proper operation and minimize power losses.

  • To troubleshoot issues with the MC33204PG, start by verifying the PCB layout and component selection. Check for proper decoupling, input and output filtering, and inductor selection. Use an oscilloscope to measure the input and output waveforms, and check for signs of oscillation or instability. Consult the datasheet and application notes for guidance on troubleshooting and design optimization.