MAX17823BGCB/V+ by:
Analog Devices Inc
Analog Devices Inc
Maxim Integrated Products
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12-Channel High-Voltage Data Acquisition System, 64-LQFP-10X10X1.4, 64 Pins, -40 to 105C

Part Details for MAX17823BGCB/V+ by Analog Devices Inc

Results Overview of MAX17823BGCB/V+ by Analog Devices Inc

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Applications Automotive

MAX17823BGCB/V+ Information

MAX17823BGCB/V+ by Analog Devices Inc is an Analog to Digital Converter.
Analog to Digital Converters are under the broader part category of Converters.

A converter is an electrical circuit that transforms electric energy into a different form that will support a elecrical load needed by a device. Read more about Converters on our Converters part category page.

Price & Stock for MAX17823BGCB/V+

Part # Distributor Description Stock Price Buy
DISTI # 700-MAX17823BGCB/V+
Mouser Electronics Battery Management 12-Channel, High-Voltage Sensor, Smart D RoHS: Compliant 245
  • 1 $16.4900
  • 10 $12.5700
  • 25 $11.2000
  • 50 $11.1900
  • 100 $9.8800
  • 250 $9.8700
$9.8700 / $16.4900 Buy Now
Analog Devices Inc 12-Channel, High-Voltage Senso Package Multiple: 1 34874
  • 1 $17.8400
  • 10 $12.5730
  • 25 $11.1996
  • 1,000 $7.9000
$7.9000 / $17.8400 Buy Now
Vyrian Converters 6026

Part Details for MAX17823BGCB/V+

MAX17823BGCB/V+ CAD Models

MAX17823BGCB/V+ Part Data Attributes

MAX17823BGCB/V+ Analog Devices Inc
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MAX17823BGCB/V+ Analog Devices Inc 12-Channel High-Voltage Data Acquisition System, 64-LQFP-10X10X1.4, 64 Pins, -40 to 105C
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Rohs Code Yes
Part Life Cycle Code Active
Part Package Code 64-LQFP-10X10X1.4
Pin Count 64
Manufacturer Package Code 64-LQFP-10X10X1.4
Reach Compliance Code compliant
Date Of Intro 2020-03-12
Samacsys Manufacturer Analog Devices
JESD-609 Code e3
Moisture Sensitivity Level 3
Peak Reflow Temperature (Cel) 260
Terminal Finish Matte Tin (Sn)

MAX17823BGCB/V+ Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • A good PCB layout for the MAX17823BGCB/V+ involves keeping the analog and digital grounds separate, using a solid ground plane, and placing the device close to the battery. Additionally, it's recommended to use a 4-layer PCB with a dedicated power plane and to minimize the length of the traces between the device and the battery.

  • Calibration of the MAX17823BGCB/V+ involves setting the gain and offset of the ADC to match the specific battery chemistry and configuration. This can be done by measuring the battery voltage and current at multiple points and adjusting the gain and offset registers accordingly. It's also recommended to perform a self-calibration procedure at power-up to ensure accurate readings.

  • The MAX17823BGCB/V+ has an operating temperature range of -40°C to +125°C, but it's recommended to operate the device within a temperature range of -20°C to +85°C for optimal performance and accuracy.

  • The MAX17823BGCB/V+ has a POR and BOR feature that resets the device when the power supply voltage falls below a certain threshold. To handle these features, it's recommended to use an external power-on reset circuit and to ensure that the device is properly powered up before accessing its registers.

  • When communicating with the MAX17823BGCB/V+ using I2C or SPI, it's recommended to use a clock frequency of 400 kHz or less, and to ensure that the bus is properly terminated to prevent signal reflections. Additionally, it's recommended to use a repeated start condition for I2C transactions to prevent the device from entering a low-power state.