LS02-1A66-PP-500W by: Standex-Meder Electronics


Part Details for LS02-1A66-PP-500W by Standex-Meder Electronics

Results Overview of LS02-1A66-PP-500W by Standex-Meder Electronics

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Applications Space Technology Internet of Things (IoT) Environmental Monitoring Smart Cities Transportation and Logistics Agriculture Technology Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Vision Systems Medical Imaging Automotive Consumer Electronics Security and Surveillance Aerospace and Defense Healthcare Robotics and Drones

LS02-1A66-PP-500W Information

LS02-1A66-PP-500W by Standex-Meder Electronics is an Other Sensor/Transducer.
Other Sensors/Transducers are under the broader part category of Sensors/Transducers.

Sensors and transducers detect and measure physical quantities like temperature, pressure, and force, converting them into electrical signals for various applications. Read more about Sensors/Transducers on our Sensors/Transducers part category page.

Available Datasheets

Part # Manufacturer Description Datasheet
DM96LS02M Rochester Electronics LLC Monostable Multivibrator, LS Series, 2-Func, TTL, PDSO16, 0.150 INCH, MS-012, SOIC-16
74LS02FPEL-E Renesas Electronics Corporation HD74LS Series
74LS02P-E Renesas Electronics Corporation HD74LS Series

Price & Stock for LS02-1A66-PP-500W

Part # Distributor Description Stock Price Buy
DISTI # 97K3890
Newark Reed Level Sensor, Operating Pressure Max:-, Sensor Body Material:Pp (Polypropylene), Output Current:1A, Product Range:-, Svhc:No Svhc (15-Jun-2015), Body Material:Pp (Polypropylene), Case Material:Polypropylene, Colour:Black, Rohs Compliant: Yes |Standexmeder LS02-1A66-PP-500W RoHS: Compliant Min Qty: 1 Package Multiple: 1 Date Code: 0 Container: Bulk 149
  • 1 $16.4300
  • 10 $15.6600
  • 25 $14.4600
  • 50 $13.1900
  • 100 $11.4300
  • 250 $10.6400
$10.6400 / $16.4300 Buy Now
DISTI # STXLS02-1A66-PP-500W
Heilind Electronics 9522711054 LEVEL SENSOR Americas - 0 in Stock
Buy Now Level Sensor SPST 0, 5A 10W PP Vertical RoHS: Compliant 365 In Stock
  • 5 $4.4600
  • 25 $4.3900
  • 50 $4.3200
  • 100 $4.2600
  • 200 $3.1900
  • 300 $2.9800
  • 400 $2.9200
$2.9200 / $4.4600 Buy Now
DISTI # LS02-1A66-PP-500W
TME Sensor: liquid level, -20÷90°C, OUT: SPST-NO, lead 0,5m, 0.5A, 10W Min Qty: 1 224
  • 1 $7.4900
  • 5 $6.8500
  • 25 $6.1200
$6.1200 / $7.4900 Buy Now
Master Electronics Level Sensor SPST 0, 5A 10W PP Vertical RoHS: Compliant 365 In Stock
  • 5 $4.4600
  • 25 $4.3900
  • 50 $4.3200
  • 100 $4.2600
  • 200 $3.1900
  • 300 $2.9800
  • 400 $2.9200
$2.9200 / $4.4600 Buy Now

Part Details for LS02-1A66-PP-500W

LS02-1A66-PP-500W CAD Models

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LS02-1A66-PP-500W Part Data Attributes

LS02-1A66-PP-500W Standex-Meder Electronics
Buy Now Datasheet
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LS02-1A66-PP-500W Standex-Meder Electronics Sensor/Transducer,
Rohs Code Yes
Part Life Cycle Code Active
Reach Compliance Code compliant
Samacsys Manufacturer STANDEXMEDER

LS02-1A66-PP-500W Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • The recommended PCB layout involves placing the reflow solderable pad on a 2 oz copper layer, with a minimum of 1 oz copper on the inner layers. Thermal management involves using a heat sink with a thermal interface material, and ensuring good airflow around the component.

  • The relay's operating life is affected by the type of load, with resistive loads being less stressful than inductive or capacitive loads. Higher switching frequencies also reduce the relay's operating life. Consult the manufacturer's application notes for specific guidance.

  • When using the LS02-1A66-PP-500W in a high-voltage or high-current application, ensure that the relay is properly derated, and that the PCB and surrounding components can handle the increased voltage and current. Also, follow proper safety protocols when working with high-voltage or high-current systems.

  • The LS02-1A66-PP-500W can operate in high-temperature environments, but the relay's performance and lifespan will be affected. Consult the manufacturer's datasheet and application notes for derating factors and specific guidance on high-temperature operation.

  • The LS02-1A66-PP-500W is designed to minimize EMI and RFI, but proper PCB layout, shielding, and filtering may still be necessary to ensure electromagnetic compatibility in sensitive electronic systems.

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