LMV339 by:
National Semiconductor Corporation
National Semiconductor Corporation
Rochester Electronics LLC
Texas Instruments
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Part Details for LMV339 by National Semiconductor Corporation

Results Overview of LMV339 by National Semiconductor Corporation

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LMV339 Information

LMV339 by National Semiconductor Corporation is a Comparator.
Comparators are under the broader part category of Amplifier Circuits.

Amplifier circuits use external power to increase the amplitude of an input signal. They can be used to perform linear amplifications or logarithmic functions. Read more about Amplifier Circuits on our Amplifier Circuits part category page.

Part Details for LMV339

LMV339 CAD Models

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Resources and Additional Insights for LMV339

Reference Designs related to LMV339

  • Isolated Self-Powered AC Solid State Relay with MOSFETs Reference Design
    The isolated self-powered AC solid state relay with MOSFETs reference design is a relay replacement that enables efficient power management for a low-power alternative to standard electromechanical relays. The galvanic isolation is implemented capacitively: creating a cost-efficient: reduced footprint solution for multiple relay replacement in thermostats and other similar equipment.
  • TIDM-3DGRAPHICS-QVGA 基于超低功耗微控制器的 QVGA 3D 图形
    This reference design demonstrates how to implement three-dimensional (3-D) graphics on a QVGA LCD using the low-power and performance MSP430F5529 microcontroller as well as the ultra-low-power MSP430FR5969 FRAM microcontroller. This implementation is made possible by using free and optimized sof
  • Three-phase inverter reference design for 200-480 VAC drives with opto-emulated input gate drivers
    This reference design realizes a reinforced isolated three-phase inverter subsystem using isolated IGBT gate drivers and isolated current/voltage sensors. The UCC23513 gate driver used has a 6-pin wide body package with optical LED emulated inputs which enables its use as pin-to-pin replacement to existing opto-isolated gate drivers. This design shows that the UCC23513 input stage can be driven using all existing configurations used to drive opto-isolated gate drivers. In-phase shunt resistor based motor current sensing is done using AMC1300B isolated amplifier and DC link voltage: IGBT module temperature sensing using the AMC1311 isolated amplifier. The design uses a C2000™ LaunchPad™ for inverter control.