LM324A by:
Freescale Semiconductor
3peak Incorporated
Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation
Freescale Semiconductor
General Electric Solid State
Motorola Mobility LLC
Motorola Semiconductor Products
National Semiconductor Corporation
NXP Semiconductors
Philips Semiconductors
Raytheon Semiconductor
Rochester Electronics LLC
Samsung Semiconductor
SGS-Ates Componenti Electronici SPA
Silicon Storage Technology
Texas Instruments
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Part Details for LM324A by Freescale Semiconductor

Overview of LM324A by Freescale Semiconductor

Tip: Data for a part may vary between manufacturers. You can filter for manufacturers on the top of the page next to the part image and part number.

Available Datasheets

Part # Manufacturer Description Datasheet
LM324ADE4 Texas Instruments Quadruple Operational Amplifier 14-SOIC 0 to 70
LM324APW Texas Instruments Quadruple Operational Amplifier 14-TSSOP 0 to 70
LM324ANSRG4 Texas Instruments Quadruple Operational Amplifier 14-SO 0 to 70

Part Details for LM324A

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Resources and Additional Insights for LM324A

Reference Designs related to LM324A

  • Highly Efficient and Compact 100-W Automotive Amplifier Reference Design with Boost Converter
    PMP9484 is a 100W highly efficient and compact automotive amplifier reference design which can be used in 50W +50W stereo or 100W woofer applications.  The design is broadly divided into three main stages:1.) Highly efficient single-phase synchronous boost converter using the LM5122 controller IC.  The design accepts an input voltage of 7.5Vin to 20Vin (12Vin nominal) and provides an output of 24V capable of supplying 5A of continuous current to the load.  The peak efficiency acheived is 98 percent.2.) 50W+ 50W stereo audio amplifier with TPA3116D2 Class D device3.) Very low cost stereo input to woofer bass input conversion
  • Audio Boom Box/Portable Speaker Reference Design with Efficient Boost Converter.
    PMP9491 is a 30W highly efficient and compact Portable Speaker/Audio Boom Box reference Design which can be used in 15W +15W Stereo or 30W Woofer Applications. The Power Source for the Design is 1 or 2 Li ion in Series . The design is broadly divided into three main stages:Highly efficient Single-Phase Non Synchronous Boost Converter using the LM3481 controller IC.  The design accepts an input voltage of 3.3Vin to 9Vin and provides an output of 12 V capable of supplying 2.5A of continuous current to the load.  The peak efficency acheived is 95 percent .15W+15W Stereo Audio Amplifier with TPA3118D2 Class D device. Very Low Cost Stereo Inputs to Woofer Bass Input Conversion.Battery Charger bq24133 : 2.5A Synchronous Switch-Mode Li-Ion/Li-Polymer Stand-Alone Battery Charger with Integrated MOSFETs and Power Path Selector.

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