Part Details for ID15S33E4GX00LF by Amphenol FCi
Results Overview of ID15S33E4GX00LF by Amphenol FCi
- Distributor Offerings: (4 listings)
- Number of FFF Equivalents: (1 replacement)
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ID15S33E4GX00LF Information
ID15S33E4GX00LF by Amphenol FCi is a D Type Connector.
D Type Connectors are under the broader part category of Connectors.
Connectors are devices that join electrical termination points to form circuits. With various types designed for specific functions like data, power, or signal transmission, choosing the right connector is essential for compatibility and device performance. Read more about Connectors on our Connectors part category page.
Price & Stock for ID15S33E4GX00LF
Part # | Distributor | Description | Stock | Price | Buy | |
DigiKey | CONN D-SUB RCPT 15POS R/A SOLDER Min Qty: 1 Lead time: 8 Weeks Container: Tray |
732 In Stock |
$0.9394 / $1.6300 | Buy Now |
RS | ID15S33E4GX00LF-DSUB R/A STB 15 SOCKET | Amphenol FCI (Amphenol CS) ID15S33E4GX00LF Min Qty: 1 Package Multiple: 1 Lead time: 10 Weeks, 0 Days Container: Bulk | 0 |
$1.2100 | RFQ |
Heilind Electronics | DSUB R/A STB 15 SOCKET | Americas - 0 in Stock |
$1.0421 / $1.0769 | Buy Now |
Interstate Connecting Components | DSUB R/A STB 15 SOCKET | 0 |
$1.0421 / $1.0769 | Buy Now |
Part Details for ID15S33E4GX00LF
ID15S33E4GX00LF CAD Models
ID15S33E4GX00LF Part Data Attributes
Amphenol FCi
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Amphenol FCi
D Subminiature Connector, 15 Contact(s), Female, Solder Terminal, LEAD FREE
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Rohs Code | Yes | |
Part Life Cycle Code | Active | |
Ihs Manufacturer | AMPHENOL FCI ASIA PTE LTD | |
Package Description | LEAD FREE | |
Reach Compliance Code | compliant | |
ECCN Code | EAR99 | |
HTS Code | 8536.69.40.30 | |
Contact Finish Mating | NOT SPECIFIED | |
Contact Gender | FEMALE | |
Contact Material | NOT SPECIFIED | |
DIN Conformance | NO | |
Empty Shell | NO | |
Filter Feature | NO | |
IEC Conformance | NO | |
Insulator Material | POLYESTER | |
MIL Conformance | NO | |
Mixed Contacts | NO | |
Mounting Type | BOARD | |
Shell Finish | TIN/ZINC CHROMIUM | |
Shell Material | STEEL | |
Shell Size | 2/A | |
Termination Type | SOLDER | |
Total Number of Contacts | 15 | |
UL Flammability Code | 94V-0 |
Alternate Parts for ID15S33E4GX00LF
This table gives cross-reference parts and alternative options found for ID15S33E4GX00LF. The Form Fit Function (FFF) tab will give you the options that are more likely to serve as direct pin-to-pin alternates or drop-in parts. The Functional Equivalents tab will give you options that are likely to match the same function of ID15S33E4GX00LF, but it may not fit your design. Always verify details of parts you are evaluating, as these parts are offered as suggestions for what you are looking for and are not guaranteed.
Part Number | Manufacturer | Composite Price | Description | Compare |
ID15S33E4GX00 | Amphenol FCi | Check for Price | D Subminiature Connector, 15 Contact(s), Female, Solder Terminal | ID15S33E4GX00LF vs ID15S33E4GX00 |