HTS221 by: STMicroelectronics


Part Details for HTS221 by STMicroelectronics

Overview of HTS221 by STMicroelectronics

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Applications Consumer Electronics Environmental Monitoring Internet of Things (IoT) Industrial Automation Smart Cities Agriculture Technology Electronic Manufacturing

Part Details for HTS221

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HTS221 Part Data Attributes:

HTS221 STMicroelectronics
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Rohs Code Yes
Part Life Cycle Code Obsolete
Package Description LGA,
Reach Compliance Code compliant
HTS Code 8542.39.00.01
Samacsys Manufacturer STMicroelectronics
Analog IC - Other Type ANALOG CIRCUIT
JESD-30 Code S-XBGA-N6
Length 2 mm
Number of Functions 1
Number of Terminals 6
Operating Temperature-Max 120 °C
Operating Temperature-Min -40 °C
Package Body Material UNSPECIFIED
Package Code LGA
Package Shape SQUARE
Package Style GRID ARRAY
Peak Reflow Temperature (Cel) NOT SPECIFIED
Seated Height-Max 0.9 mm
Supply Voltage-Max (Vsup) 3.6 V
Supply Voltage-Min (Vsup) 1.7 V
Supply Voltage-Nom (Vsup) 2.5 V
Surface Mount YES
Temperature Grade INDUSTRIAL
Terminal Form NO LEAD
Terminal Position BOTTOM
Time@Peak Reflow Temperature-Max (s) NOT SPECIFIED
Width 2 mm

Alternate Parts for HTS221

This table gives cross-reference parts and alternative options found for HTS221. The Form Fit Function (FFF) tab will give you the options that are more likely to serve as direct pin-to-pin alternates or drop-in parts. The Functional Equivalents tab will give you options that are likely to match the same function of HTS221, but it may not fit your design. Always verify details of parts you are evaluating, as these parts are offered as suggestions for what you are looking for and are not guaranteed.

Part Number Description Manufacturer Compare
ZSSC3123AI2T Capacitive Sensor Signal Conditioner with Digital Output, TSSOP96/Tube Renesas Electronics Corporation HTS221 vs ZSSC3123AI2T
HTS221TR Capacitive digital sensor for relative humidity and temperature STMicroelectronics HTS221 vs HTS221TR
ZSSC3123AI2R Capacitive Sensor Signal Conditioner with Digital Output, TSSOP0/Reel Renesas Electronics Corporation HTS221 vs ZSSC3123AI2R

Resources and Additional Insights for HTS221

Reference Designs related to HTS221

  • IO-Link for Industrial Sensors
    This self-contained and ready-to-use modern industrial sensor solution implements multi-sensing functionality with embedded LSM6DSL 3D accelerometer and 3D gyroscope, LSM303AGR 3D accelerometer and 3D magnetometer, LPS22HB pressure sensor, and HTS221 humidity and temperature sensors, along with the L6362A physical IO-Link transceiver and STM32L073RZT6 microcontroller hosting the relevant protocol stack.<p>The node complies with the definition of an IO-Link device according to the provisioning protocols defined by the standard and facilitates expansion with additional sensors to extend the range of data supplied by the node.<p>The architecture represents a smart sensor node capable of monitoring equipment status, with all the benefits of the IO-Link industrial communication standard, including automatic node configuration, hot plug automatic device recognition, and several diagnostics features
  • Vibration, ultrasound and environmental sensor nodes for condition monitoring with Wi-Fi and cellular connectivity to cloud applications
    This Condition Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance framework combines smart sensor nodes that collect vibration, ultrasound and environmental data with Wi-Fi or cellular connectivity to a central data lake such as a Cloud service.<p>Critical vibration data is processed locally on an STM32L4+ microcontroller by combining 3-axis acceleration data from a 6kHz IIS3DWB vibration sensor and ultrasound data up to 80kHz from a MP23ABS1 microphone sensor, in order to generate frequency and time domain analyses such as FFT, RMS, and Peak Acceleration. Environmental pressure, temperature and humidity data is also collected by the LPS22HB and HTS221 sensors embedded on the node.<p>The very low power requirements of the MCU and the sensors allow for compact, battery-operated nodes driven by the STBC02 battery charger.<p>The STM32L4+ microcontroller supports wireless data transmission through an additional Wi-Fi module such as the Inventek ISM43362.M3G-L44, or via a cellular modem such as the Quectel BG96, which supports LTE Cat M1 and NB-IoT connectivity with a plastic Micro-SIM (3FF).<p>ST provides a Predictive Maintenance Dashboard application based on AWS IoT core and other AWS services to provision nodes, plot data, and configure triggers as part of an end-to-end solution
  • NFC SensorTAG (NFC Dynamic Tag sensor node)
    This NFC Sensor Tag solution is an ultra-low power sensor node that collects temperature, humidity, pressure and motion sensor data and logs the information with corresponding timestamps in its EEPROM, it can be transmitted to a secure NFC reader within range.<p>The solution is built around the ISO/IEC 15693 compliant ST25DV-I2C Type 5 NFC Tag, stores environmental and motion sensor data delivered via the STM32L0 ARM Cortex M0+ microcontroller in secure EEPROM, and transmits the data to the reader. All the data is collected by three smart ST sensors chosen for their performance characteristics in terms of accuracy, power consumption and compactness.<p>The node can operate for years without battery replacement thanks to several smart power conservation strategies, including energy harvesting of RF signals from nearby NFC readers to complement the power supplied by the very small CR2032 battery, which is regulated by the STLQ015 LDO.<p>The solution is ideal for supply chain and cold chain monitoring applications involving perishable and valuable goods, asset tracking, healthcare, smart apparel, smart packaging and smart agriculture, among others.
  • Bluetooth Low Energy 5.0 enabled environment and motion sensing solution
    This ultra-low power sensor node features the BlueNRG-2 Bluetooth Low Energy system-on-chip and a suite of ultra-low-power ST sensors, including a magnetometer, gyroscope, accelerometer, pressure, temperature and humidity, MEMS microphone and time-of-flight sensor. It is an ideal solution for applications ranging from smart home to smart agriculture, supply chain management, asset tracking and other industrial applications.<p>The BlueNRG-2 BLE SoC monitors environmental pressure, humidity and temperature sensor data, as well as motion data from the accelerator, gyroscope and magnetometer, which can be processed by firmware on the Cortex M0 core to provide functionality such as event detection and even object tracking in 3D space through powerful MEMS sensor fusion algorithms.<p>The Soc can also transmit obstacle distance information from the embedded time-of-flight sensor data.<p>The MEMS microphone allows audio and music transmission over Bluetooth low energy with appropriate firmware running on the core.<p>The ultra-low power features of each device and BLE connectivity allow a completely wireless node powered by a standard CR2032 coin battery, with the possibility of joining many nodes in extended BLE mesh networks.<p>The solution includes comprehensive firmware with ready-to-use examples, and a BLEsensor app for Android and iOS mobile devices completes the package with data visualization and node control functionality.
  • A Condition monitoring cloud gateway solution, using smart sensor nodes and edge processing
    This solution combines specific ST motion and environmental sensors and the performance STM32F4 MCU and STM32MP157 MPU in a Condition Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance framework that connects multiple sensor nodes to a central data lake such as a Cloud service.<p>Critical vibration data from the three axes ISM330DLC IMU is processed locally on the STM32F4 microcontroller to generate frequency and time domain data, while the LPS22HB and HTS221 sensors provide temperature, pressure and humidity data. The data from up to four sensor nodes are routed through a concentrator to an Edge gateway node based on the STM32MP157 where all the data is consolidated for subsequent processing on server-based or cloud-based systems.<p>In order to expose the potential of a cloud-based solution, we provide a Predictive Maintenance Dashboard application from which Edge gateway nodes running the AWS IoT Greengrass service and AWS IoT core can be provisioned, so that condition monitoring sensor data can be plotted and triggers can be configured as part of your end-to-end Predictive Maintenance solution.

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