HEDG-5121#B06 by:
Broadcom Limited
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Optical Code Wheels

Part Details for HEDG-5121#B06 by Broadcom Limited

Results Overview of HEDG-5121#B06 by Broadcom Limited

Tip: Data for a part may vary between manufacturers. You can filter for manufacturers on the top of the page next to the part image and part number.

Applications Space Technology Aerospace and Defense Transportation and Logistics Renewable Energy Automotive Robotics and Drones

HEDG-5121#B06 Information

HEDG-5121#B06 by Broadcom Limited is an Optoelectronic Accessory.
Optoelectronic Accessories are under the broader part category of Optoelectronics.

Optoelectronic components work to detect, generate, and control light. They can essentially produce and/or react to light. Read more about Optoelectronics on our Optoelectronics part category page.

Available Datasheets

Part # Manufacturer Description Datasheet
AM27C512-120DE Rochester Electronics LLC AM27C512 - 512K (64K x 8) CMOS EPROM
AM27C512-150DI Rochester Electronics LLC AM27C512 - 512K (64K x 8) CMOS EPROM
AM27C512-120DC Rochester Electronics LLC AM27C512 - 512K (64K x 8) CMOS EPROM

Price & Stock for HEDG-5121#B06

Part # Distributor Description Stock Price Buy
DISTI # 516-4243-ND
DigiKey CODEWHEEL 28MM 2CH 1000CPR 1/4" Min Qty: 1 Lead time: 12 Weeks Container: Bulk Temporarily Out of Stock
  • 1 $82.3100
  • 10 $74.5340
  • 25 $71.6460
  • 50 $69.5350
  • 100 $67.4865
$67.4865 / $82.3100 Buy Now
DISTI # HEDG-5121#B06
Avnet Americas Two and Three Channel Codewheels - Bulk (Alt: HEDG-5121#B06) RoHS: Compliant Min Qty: 100 Package Multiple: 100 Lead time: 12 Weeks, 0 Days Container: Bulk 0
  • 100 $45.2500
  • 200 $44.5260
  • 400 $43.8020
  • 600 $43.0780
  • 800 $42.5712
$42.5712 / $45.2500 Buy Now
DISTI # 630-HEDG-5121-B06
Mouser Electronics Encoders 2 Channel 100 CPR 1/4in Code Wheel RoHS: Compliant 0
  • 100 $62.1500
$62.1500 Order Now
DISTI # HEDG-5121#B06
EBV Elektronik Two and Three Channel Codewheels (Alt: HEDG-5121#B06) RoHS: Compliant Min Qty: 100 Package Multiple: 100 Lead time: 14 Weeks, 0 Days EBV - 0
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Part Details for HEDG-5121#B06

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HEDG-5121#B06 Part Data Attributes

HEDG-5121#B06 Broadcom Limited
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HEDG-5121#B06 Broadcom Limited Optical Code Wheels
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Rohs Code Yes
Part Life Cycle Code Active
Ihs Manufacturer BROADCOM INC
Reach Compliance Code compliant
HTS Code 8543.90.88.80
Mounting Feature SURFACE MOUNT
Operating Temperature-Max 100 °C
Operating Temperature-Min -40 °C
Optoelectronic Device Type OPTICAL CODE WHEELS
Surface Mount YES

Alternate Parts for HEDG-5121#B06

This table gives cross-reference parts and alternative options found for HEDG-5121#B06. The Form Fit Function (FFF) tab will give you the options that are more likely to serve as direct pin-to-pin alternates or drop-in parts. The Functional Equivalents tab will give you options that are likely to match the same function of HEDG-5121#B06, but it may not fit your design. Always verify details of parts you are evaluating, as these parts are offered as suggestions for what you are looking for and are not guaranteed.

Part Number Manufacturer Composite Price Description Compare
HEDG-5121#B06 Avago Technologies Check for Price OPTICAL CODE WHEELS HEDG-5121#B06 vs HEDG-5121#B06

HEDG-5121#B06 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Broadcom provides a reference design guide for the HEDG-5121#B06, which includes recommendations for PCB layout, thermal management, and component placement. It's essential to follow these guidelines to ensure optimal performance, thermal stability, and signal integrity.

  • The HEDG-5121#B06 has a complex configuration process that involves setting registers and pins to achieve specific operating modes and frequencies. Broadcom provides a detailed programming guide and software development kit (SDK) to help engineers configure the device correctly.

  • The HEDG-5121#B06 requires a high-quality input clock signal with specific frequency, amplitude, and jitter characteristics. Engineers should ensure that the clock signal meets these requirements by using a suitable clock source, such as a crystal oscillator or a clock generator, and by following proper PCB layout and routing guidelines.

  • Broadcom provides a troubleshooting guide and a set of diagnostic tools to help engineers identify and resolve common issues with the HEDG-5121#B06. Engineers can also consult the device's datasheet, application notes, and online forums for additional guidance and support.

  • The HEDG-5121#B06 is sensitive to environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and vibration, which can impact its performance and reliability. Engineers should ensure that the device operates within the recommended temperature range (-40°C to 85°C) and follows proper storage and handling procedures to prevent damage.