FMW90F001 by: Fairview Microwave Inc

Part Details for FMW90F001 by Fairview Microwave Inc

Results Overview of FMW90F001 by Fairview Microwave Inc

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FMW90F001 Information

FMW90F001 by Fairview Microwave Inc is an RF/Microwave Coupler.
RF/Microwave Couplers are under the broader part category of RF and Microwave Components.

RF and Microwave Engineering focuses on the design and operation of devices that transmit or receive radio waves. The main distinction between RF and microwave engineering is their wavelength, which influences how energy is transmitted and used in various applications. Read more about RF and Microwave Components on our RF and Microwave part category page.

Price & Stock for FMW90F001

Part # Distributor Description Stock Price Buy
DISTI # 5328-FMW90F001-ND
DigiKey WR-90 BANDPASS WAVEGUIDE FILTER Min Qty: 1 Lead time: 11 Weeks Container: Bulk Temporarily Out of Stock
  • 1 $816.8900
$816.8900 Buy Now
DISTI # 75033978
RS WR-90 Bandpass Waveguide Filter With a 8.9 GHz to 9.9 GHz Pass Band | Fairview Microwave FMW90F001 RoHS: Not Compliant Min Qty: 1 Package Multiple: 1 Lead time: 8 Weeks, 0 Days Container: Bulk 0
  • 1 $985.0000
$985.0000 RFQ   RoHS: Compliant 0
  • 1 $902.9100
  • 3 $889.3700
  • 5 $866.8000
$866.8000 / $902.9100 Buy Now
DISTI # 77727940
Verical FMW90F001 Min Qty: 1 Package Multiple: 1 Americas - 1
  • 1 $985.0000
  • 5 $965.3000
  • 10 $945.6000
  • 25 $925.9000
  • 100 $906.2000
  • 250 $886.5000
$886.5000 / $985.0000 Buy Now
Fairview Microwave Key Specifications, Waveguide Size 1: WR-90, Waveguide Size 2: WR-90, Frequency, Min: 8.9 GHz, Frequ... ency, Max: 9.9 GHz, Lowband Min Rejection: 60 (dB). WR-90 Bandpass Waveguide Filter With a 8.9 GHz to 9.9 GHz Pass Band, The FMW90F001 Waveguide band pass filter from Fairview Microwave (also known as a waveguide filter) is just one RF part in a large selection of our RF /microwave / millimeter waveguide components. This band pass filter for waveguides is manufactured with a WR-90 input and is in-stock now and available for same business day shipping. The WR-90 waveguide band pass filter is rated for a radio frequency minimum of 8.9 GHz and a frequency maximum of 9.9 GHz as the pass band range. The FMW90F001 waveguide band pass filter has WR-90 UG cover flanges along with a 1.25:1 maximum input VSWR. This waveguide band pass filter from Fairview Microwave is rated for a maximum power (CW) of 200 Watts. The waveguide band pass filter has 0.3 dB of maximum insertion loss and a peak power of 40,000 KW. This waveguide band pass filter has low band minimum rejection of 60 dB at 7,900 GHz and high band maximum rejection of 60 dB at 11,000 GHz. The WR-90 waveguide band pass filter from Fairview Microwave is ideal for radar systems, test and measurement, satellite communications, instrumentation and automotive radar systems applications. Additional dimensions and specifications for this WR-90 waveguide band pass filter are on our downloadable PDF datasheet above. The Fairview Microwave can ship the WR-90 waveguide bandpass filter from stock the same business day as you order it. Fairview Microwave offers the broadest and deepest inventory of RF and microwave components available. For further information on similar products, our expert technical support and knowledgeable sales team can help you get the high-quality band pass waveguide filter that meets your requirements. more Min Qty: 1 Package Multiple: 1 1
  • 1 $1,093.4400
  • 5 $1,071.5700
  • 10 $1,049.7000
  • 25 $1,027.8300
$1,027.8300 / $1,093.4400 Buy Now

Part Details for FMW90F001

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