FDMS86250 by:
Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation
Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation
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Power Field-Effect Transistor, 6.7A I(D), 150V, 0.025ohm, 1-Element, N-Channel, Silicon, Metal-oxide Semiconductor FET, MO-240AA, ROHS COMPLIANT, PLASTIC, POWER 56, 8 PIN

Part Details for FDMS86250 by Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation

Results Overview of FDMS86250 by Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation

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Applications Consumer Electronics Energy and Power Systems Renewable Energy

FDMS86250 Information

FDMS86250 by Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation is a Power Field-Effect Transistor.
Power Field-Effect Transistors are under the broader part category of Transistors.

A transistor is a small semiconductor device used to amplify, control, or create electrical signals. When selecting a transistor, factors such as voltage, current rating, gain, and power dissipation must be considered, with common types. Read more about Transistors on our Transistors part category page.

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FDMS86250 Part Data Attributes

FDMS86250 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation
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FDMS86250 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation Power Field-Effect Transistor, 6.7A I(D), 150V, 0.025ohm, 1-Element, N-Channel, Silicon, Metal-oxide Semiconductor FET, MO-240AA, ROHS COMPLIANT, PLASTIC, POWER 56, 8 PIN
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Pbfree Code Yes
Rohs Code Yes
Part Life Cycle Code Transferred
Part Package Code QFN
Package Description ROHS COMPLIANT, PLASTIC, POWER 56, 8 PIN
Pin Count 8
Manufacturer Package Code 8LD,PQFN,JEDEC MO-240 AA,5.0X6.0MM
Reach Compliance Code not_compliant
HTS Code 8541.29.00.95
Avalanche Energy Rating (Eas) 180 mJ
Case Connection DRAIN
DS Breakdown Voltage-Min 150 V
Drain Current-Max (ID) 6.7 A
Drain-source On Resistance-Max 0.025 Ω
JEDEC-95 Code MO-240AA
JESD-30 Code R-PDSO-F5
JESD-609 Code e3
Moisture Sensitivity Level 1
Number of Elements 1
Number of Terminals 5
Operating Temperature-Max 150 °C
Package Body Material PLASTIC/EPOXY
Peak Reflow Temperature (Cel) 260
Polarity/Channel Type N-CHANNEL
Power Dissipation-Max (Abs) 96 W
Pulsed Drain Current-Max (IDM) 100 A
Surface Mount YES
Terminal Finish MATTE TIN
Terminal Form FLAT
Terminal Position DUAL
Time@Peak Reflow Temperature-Max (s) 30
Transistor Application SWITCHING
Transistor Element Material SILICON

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FDMS86250 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • The maximum operating temperature range for the FDMS86250 is -40°C to 150°C, as specified in the datasheet. However, it's recommended to operate within a temperature range of -20°C to 125°C for optimal performance and reliability.

  • To ensure proper biasing, follow the recommended operating conditions in the datasheet. Typically, this includes setting the input voltage (VIN) between 4.5V and 5.5V, and the output voltage (VOUT) between 0.8V and 3.3V. Additionally, ensure the input and output capacitors are properly sized and placed to minimize noise and oscillations.

  • To minimize EMI and noise, follow these layout and placement guidelines: keep the input and output traces short and separate, use a solid ground plane, and place the input and output capacitors close to the device. Additionally, consider using a shielded inductor and a common-mode choke to reduce EMI emissions.

  • To calculate the output voltage ripple, use the following formula: ΔVOUT = (IOUT * ESL) / (COUT * fSW), where IOUT is the output current, ESL is the equivalent series inductance of the output capacitor, COUT is the output capacitance, and fSW is the switching frequency. This formula assumes a buck converter topology.

  • The maximum output current capability of the FDMS86250 is 5A, as specified in the datasheet. However, the actual output current capability may be limited by the thermal performance of the device, the input voltage, and the output voltage. Be sure to check the thermal derating curves and the output current vs. input voltage graphs in the datasheet to ensure the device can handle the required output current.