F931D475KAA by:
Kyocera AVX Components
Kyocera AVX Components
Nichicon Corporation
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Tantalum Capacitor, Polarized, Tantalum (dry/solid), 20V, 10% +Tol, 10% -Tol, 4.7uF, Surface Mount, 1206, CHIP, ROHS COMPLIANT

Part Details for F931D475KAA by Kyocera AVX Components

Results Overview of F931D475KAA by Kyocera AVX Components

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F931D475KAA Information

F931D475KAA by Kyocera AVX Components is a Tantalum Capacitor.
Tantalum Capacitors are under the broader part category of Capacitors.

A capacitor is a passive electronic component that stores energy. Capacitors are commonly used for energy storage, voltage suppression, and signal filtering. Read more about Capacitors on our Capacitors part category page.

Price & Stock for F931D475KAA

Part # Distributor Description Stock Price Buy
DISTI # 478-8290-1-ND
DigiKey CAP TANT 4.7UF 10% 20V 1206 Min Qty: 1 Lead time: 15 Weeks Container: Digi-Reel®, Cut Tape (CT), Tape & Reel (TR) Temporarily Out of Stock
  • 1 $0.9500
  • 18,000 $0.2241
$0.2241 / $0.9500 Buy Now
Avnet Americas Cap Tant Solid 4.7uF 20V A CASE 10% (3.2 X 1.6 X 1.6mm) SMD 3216-18 3Ohm 125?C T/R - Tape and Reel (... Alt: F931D475KAA) more RoHS: Compliant Min Qty: 18000 Package Multiple: 2000 Lead time: 15 Weeks, 0 Days Container: Reel 0
  • 18,000 $0.1830
  • 22,000 $0.1785
  • 40,000 $0.1740
  • 90,000 $0.1695
  • 180,000 $0.1650
$0.1650 / $0.1830 Buy Now
DISTI # 647-F931D475KAA
Mouser Electronics Tantalum Capacitors - Solid SMD 20V 4.7uF 10% 1206 E SR= 4 Ohm RoHS: Compliant 0
  • 1 $0.9500
  • 10 $0.5820
  • 50 $0.4350
  • 100 $0.3890
  • 500 $0.3150
  • 1,000 $0.2900
  • 2,000 $0.2890
  • 4,000 $0.2860
  • 10,000 $0.2240
$0.2240 / $0.9500 Order Now
DISTI # 73978707
RS Tantalum - NTP Conformal4.7 uF,20 V | AVX F931D475KAA RoHS: Compliant Min Qty: 2000 Package Multiple: 1 Lead time: 15 Weeks, 0 Days Container: Bulk 0
  • 2,000 $0.3300
  • 20,000 $0.3140
  • 100,000 $0.2970
  • 200,000 $0.2810
$0.2810 / $0.3300 RFQ
Future Electronics CAP TANT 4.7UF 20V 10% 1206 RoHS: Compliant pbFree: Yes Min Qty: 18000 Package Multiple: 2000 Lead time: 15 Weeks Container: Reel 0
  • 18,000 $0.1949
$0.1949 Buy Now
Avnet Abacus (Alt: F931D475KAA) RoHS: Compliant Min Qty: 2000 Package Multiple: 2000 Lead time: 16 Weeks, 0 Days Abacus - 0
Buy Now

Part Details for F931D475KAA

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F931D475KAA Part Data Attributes

F931D475KAA Kyocera AVX Components
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F931D475KAA Kyocera AVX Components Tantalum Capacitor, Polarized, Tantalum (dry/solid), 20V, 10% +Tol, 10% -Tol, 4.7uF, Surface Mount, 1206, CHIP, ROHS COMPLIANT
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Rohs Code Yes
Part Life Cycle Code Active
Package Description CHIP
Reach Compliance Code compliant
HTS Code 8532.21.00.50
Factory Lead Time 15 Weeks
Samacsys Manufacturer Kyocera AVX
Capacitance 4.7 µF
Dielectric Material TANTALUM (DRY/SOLID)
ESR 3000 mΩ
Height 1.6 mm
Leakage Current 0.0009 mA
Length 3.2 mm
Mounting Feature SURFACE MOUNT
Negative Tolerance 10%
Number of Terminals 2
Operating Temperature-Max 125 °C
Operating Temperature-Min -55 °C
Package Style SMT
Packing Method TR, 7 INCH
Positive Tolerance 10%
Rated (DC) Voltage (URdc) 20 V
Ripple Current 63 mA
Size Code 1206
Surface Mount YES
Tan Delta 0.06
Terminal Shape J BEND
Width 1.6 mm

Alternate Parts for F931D475KAA

This table gives cross-reference parts and alternative options found for F931D475KAA. The Form Fit Function (FFF) tab will give you the options that are more likely to serve as direct pin-to-pin alternates or drop-in parts. The Functional Equivalents tab will give you options that are likely to match the same function of F931D475KAA, but it may not fit your design. Always verify details of parts you are evaluating, as these parts are offered as suggestions for what you are looking for and are not guaranteed.

Part Number Manufacturer Composite Price Description Compare
TBJA475K020LSLD9900 Kyocera AVX Components Check for Price Tantalum Capacitor, Polarized, Tantalum, 20V, 10% +Tol, 10% -Tol, 4.7uF, 1206, F931D475KAA vs TBJA475K020LSLD9900
TBJA475K020LDDB0724 Kyocera AVX Components Check for Price Tantalum Capacitor, Polarized, Tantalum, 20V, 10% +Tol, 10% -Tol, 4.7uF, 1206, F931D475KAA vs TBJA475K020LDDB0724
TBJA475K020JASC0745 Kyocera AVX Components Check for Price Tantalum Capacitor, Polarized, Tantalum, 20V, 10% +Tol, 10% -Tol, 4.7uF, 1206, F931D475KAA vs TBJA475K020JASC0745
TBJA475K020CWSC0924 Kyocera AVX Components Check for Price Tantalum Capacitor, Polarized, Tantalum (dry/solid), 20V, 10% +Tol, 10% -Tol, 4.7uF, 1206, ROHS COMPLIANT F931D475KAA vs TBJA475K020CWSC0924
TBJA475K020LDLZ0H45 Kyocera AVX Components Check for Price Tantalum Capacitor, Polarized, Tantalum, 20V, 10% +Tol, 10% -Tol, 4.7uF, 1206, F931D475KAA vs TBJA475K020LDLZ0H45
TBJA475K020JRLZ0H23 Kyocera AVX Components Check for Price Tantalum Capacitor, Polarized, Tantalum, 20V, 10% +Tol, 10% -Tol, 4.7uF, Surface Mount, 1206, CHIP F931D475KAA vs TBJA475K020JRLZ0H23
TBJA475K020LKDZ0H24 Kyocera AVX Components Check for Price Tantalum Capacitor, Polarized, Tantalum, 20V, 10% +Tol, 10% -Tol, 4.7uF, 1206, F931D475KAA vs TBJA475K020LKDZ0H24
TBJA475K020LRLZ0924 Kyocera AVX Components Check for Price Tantalum Capacitor, Polarized, Tantalum (dry/solid), 20V, 10% +Tol, 10% -Tol, 4.7uF, Surface Mount, 1206, CHIP F931D475KAA vs TBJA475K020LRLZ0924
TBJA475K020CSDB0045 Kyocera AVX Components Check for Price Tantalum Capacitor, Polarized, Tantalum, 20V, 10% +Tol, 10% -Tol, 4.7uF, 1206, F931D475KAA vs TBJA475K020CSDB0045
TBJA475K020CRLC0823 Kyocera AVX Components Check for Price Tantalum Capacitor, Polarized, Tantalum (dry/solid), 20V, 10% +Tol, 10% -Tol, 4.7uF, Surface Mount, 1206, CHIP F931D475KAA vs TBJA475K020CRLC0823

F931D475KAA Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • The recommended soldering temperature for F931D475KAA is 260°C (500°F) for 10 seconds or less, to prevent damage to the capacitor.

  • Yes, F931D475KAA is designed to withstand high-vibration environments. It meets the vibration test requirements of IEC 60068-2-6, with a vibration frequency of 10-2000 Hz and an acceleration of 10 G.

  • Yes, F931D475KAA is rated for operation up to 125°C, making it suitable for use in high-temperature applications. However, the capacitor's lifetime may be affected by prolonged exposure to high temperatures.

  • The ESR of F931D475KAA is typically around 0.015 ohms at 100 kHz, but this value can vary depending on the frequency and operating conditions.

  • Yes, F931D475KAA is designed to operate in humid environments. It meets the moisture resistance requirements of IEC 60068-2-78, with a relative humidity of 90% and a temperature of 40°C.