Part Details for DS247 by Zarlink Semiconductor Inc
Results Overview of DS247 by Zarlink Semiconductor Inc
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DS247 Information
DS247 by Zarlink Semiconductor Inc is an Other uP/uC/Peripheral IC.
Other uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs are under the broader part category of Microcontrollers and Processors.
Microcontrollers (MCUs) are small, low-power integrated circuits used to control embedded systems. Microcontrollers are primarily used to automate and control devices. Read more about Microcontrollers and Processors on our Microcontrollers and Processors part category page.
Part Details for DS247
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Reference Designs related to DS247
MAXREFDES168#: ChipDNA Secure Authentication with ARM Processors
MAXREFDES168# is a software reference design that demonstrates authentication of the DS28E38 DeepCover® secure ECDSA authenticator with ChipDNA™ PUF protection in an embedded Arm®-based environment. The design includes example code for ECDSA authentication of the DS28E38 with the DS2476 secure coprocessor and an Eclipse™ project that utilizes the GCC compiler and OpenOCD on-chip debugger for a fully free and open-source toolchain.<p>The included project is configured for immediate use on the MAX32625MBED evaluation board, and Arm® Mbed Enabled™ devices are also supported through an alternate hardware interface. Porting the design to other processors requires only I2C master and timekeeping delay implementations.<p>The DS2476 coprocessor is used to securely perform ECDSA calculations and store keys. Using the DS2476 with processors that do not provide robust hardware security is highly recommended.<p>A driver for the DS2484 I2C to 1-Wire® bridge is also included to enable communication with the DS28E38 by processors that lack an integrated 1-Wire line driver.<p>All source code, including the authentication example and drivers for the DS28E38, DS2476, and DS2484, conforms to the ISO C++98 standard for maximum portability between compilers.<p>Application Benefits<p>Designed for Arm processors in bare-metal or OS environments.<p>Includes project for Eclipse, GCC, and OpenOCD toolchain.<p>Out-of-the-box support for the MAX32625MBED evaluation board.<p>Supports Arm Mbed Enabled devices.<p>Modular design enables rapid porting and integration.<p>ISO C++98-compatible source code for best compiler portability.<p>Key Features<p>ECDSA P256 public-key authentication protected by ChipDNA technology.<p>DS28E38 operates with a single-contact 1-Wire interface, requires no device-level firmware development, and simplifies key management.<p>Intellectual property and products are protected by a solution immune to invasive/physical attacks.
MAXREFDES155#: DeepCover Embedded Security in an IoT: Public-Key Secured Data Paths
The MAXREFDES155# is an internet-of-things (IoT) embedded-security reference design, built to authenticate and control a sensing node using elliptic-curve-based public-key cryptography with control and notification from a web server.<p>The hardware includes an ARM® mbed™ shield and attached sensor endpoint. The shield contains a DS2476 DeepCover® ECDSA/SHA-2 coprocessor, Wifi communication, LCD push-button controls, and status LEDs. The sensor endpoint is attached to the shield using a 300mm cable and contains a DS28C36 DeepCover ECDSA/SHA-2 authenticator, IR-thermal sensor, and aiming laser for the IR sensor. The MAXREFDES155# is equipped with a standard Arduino® form-factor shield connector for immediate testing using an mbed board such as the MAX32600MBED#. The combination of these two devices represent an IoT device. Communication to the web server is accomplished with the shield Wifi circuitry. Communication from the shield to the attached sensor module is accomplished over I2C. The sensor module represents an IoT endpoint that generates small data with a requirement for message authenticity/integrity and secure on/off operational control.