Texas Instruments
National Semiconductor Corporation
Texas Instruments
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Video equalizer (3D+C) for DVI, HDMI source/repeater/sink applications 48-WQFN -40 to 85

Part Details for DS16EV5110ASQX/NOPB by Texas Instruments

Results Overview of DS16EV5110ASQX/NOPB by Texas Instruments

Tip: Data for a part may vary between manufacturers. You can filter for manufacturers on the top of the page next to the part image and part number.

Applications Security and Surveillance

Available Datasheets

Part # Manufacturer Description Datasheet
DS96174CN/NOPB Rochester Electronics LLC DS96174 - Line Driver, 4 Func, 4 Driver, BIPolar, PDIP16
LM611IM/NOPB Rochester Electronics LLC LM611IM - Operational Amplifier, 7000uV Offset-Max, BIPolar
DS16EV5110ASQX/NOPB Texas Instruments Video Equalizer (3D+C) for DVI, HDMI Source/Repeater/Sink Applications 48-WQFN -40 to 85

Price & Stock for DS16EV5110ASQX/NOPB

Part # Distributor Description Stock Price Buy
DISTI # 296-42662-1-ND
DigiKey IC VIDEO EQUALIZER 48WQFN Min Qty: 1 Lead time: 18 Weeks Container: Cut Tape (CT), Digi-Reel®, Tape & Reel (TR) Temporarily Out of Stock
  • 1 $6.6700
  • 2,500 $3.7993
$3.7993 / $6.6700 Buy Now
Mouser Electronics Equalizers Video Equalizer 3D+C for DVI HDMI A 926-DS16EV5110ASQNPB RoHS: Compliant 2190
  • 1 $8.0100
  • 10 $6.8100
  • 500 $6.4200
  • 1,000 $5.7700
  • 2,500 $3.6900
$3.6900 / $8.0100 Buy Now
Win Source Electronics IC VIDEO EQUALIZER 48WQFN 4620
  • 8 $6.4999
  • 19 $5.3333
  • 30 $5.1666
  • 40 $5.0000
  • 52 $4.8333
  • 70 $4.3333
$4.3333 / $6.4999 Buy Now

Part Details for DS16EV5110ASQX/NOPB


DS16EV5110ASQX/NOPB Part Data Attributes

DS16EV5110ASQX/NOPB Texas Instruments
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DS16EV5110ASQX/NOPB Texas Instruments Video equalizer (3D+C) for DVI, HDMI source/repeater/sink applications 48-WQFN -40 to 85
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Pbfree Code Yes
Rohs Code Yes
Part Life Cycle Code Active
Part Package Code QFN
Package Description WQFN-48
Pin Count 48
Reach Compliance Code compliant
HTS Code 8542.39.00.01
Samacsys Manufacturer Texas Instruments
Number of Channels 1
Number of Terminals 48
Supply Voltage-Nom 3.3 V

Alternate Parts for DS16EV5110ASQX/NOPB

This table gives cross-reference parts and alternative options found for DS16EV5110ASQX/NOPB. The Form Fit Function (FFF) tab will give you the options that are more likely to serve as direct pin-to-pin alternates or drop-in parts. The Functional Equivalents tab will give you options that are likely to match the same function of DS16EV5110ASQX/NOPB, but it may not fit your design. Always verify details of parts you are evaluating, as these parts are offered as suggestions for what you are looking for and are not guaranteed.

Part Number Manufacturer Composite Price Description Compare
DS16EV5110ASQ/NOPB Texas Instruments $3.4482 Video equalizer (3D+C) for DVI, HDMI source/repeater/sink applications 48-WQFN -40 to 85 DS16EV5110ASQX/NOPB vs DS16EV5110ASQ/NOPB
DS16EV5110ASQE/NOPB Texas Instruments $3.9653 Video equalizer (3D+C) for DVI, HDMI source/repeater/sink applications 48-WQFN -40 to 85 DS16EV5110ASQX/NOPB vs DS16EV5110ASQE/NOPB
DS34RT5110SQ Texas Instruments Check for Price SPECIALTY CONSUMER CIRCUIT, QCC48, 7 X 7 MM, LLP-48 DS16EV5110ASQX/NOPB vs DS34RT5110SQ
DS34RT5110SQE Texas Instruments Check for Price SPECIALTY CONSUMER CIRCUIT, QCC48, 7 X 7 MM, LLP-48 DS16EV5110ASQX/NOPB vs DS34RT5110SQE
DS34RT5110SQX Texas Instruments Check for Price SPECIALTY CONSUMER CIRCUIT, QCC48, 7 X 7 MM, LLP-48 DS16EV5110ASQX/NOPB vs DS34RT5110SQX

DS16EV5110ASQX/NOPB Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • A 4-layer PCB with a solid ground plane and a separate power plane is recommended. Keep the signal traces short and away from the power planes. Use a common mode filter or a ferrite bead to reduce EMI.

  • Use a heat sink to keep the junction temperature below 125°C. Ensure good airflow and avoid blocking the airflow around the device. Consider using a thermal interface material to improve heat transfer.

  • Power up the device in the following sequence: VCC, then AVCC, then DVCC. Ensure that the power supplies are stable and within the recommended voltage range before applying the clock signal.

  • Use a logic analyzer or an oscilloscope to capture the signal waveforms. Check the power supply voltages and ensure they are within the recommended range. Verify that the clock signal is stable and within the recommended frequency range.

  • Yes, the DS16EV5110ASQX/NOPB is designed to meet the requirements of various industry standards, including AEC-Q100 for automotive applications. However, it is essential to verify that the device meets the specific requirements of your application.