CY8C29566-24AXIT by:
Honest Han
Cypress Semiconductor
Honest Han
Infineon Technologies AG
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Part Details for CY8C29566-24AXIT by Honest Han

Results Overview of CY8C29566-24AXIT by Honest Han

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CY8C29566-24AXIT Information

CY8C29566-24AXIT by Honest Han is a Multifunction Peripheral.
Multifunction Peripherals are under the broader part category of Microcontrollers and Processors.

Microcontrollers (MCUs) are small, low-power integrated circuits used to control embedded systems. Microcontrollers are primarily used to automate and control devices. Read more about Microcontrollers and Processors on our Microcontrollers and Processors part category page.

Price & Stock for CY8C29566-24AXIT

Part # Distributor Description Stock Price Buy
Shengyu Electronics Technology Limited MCU 8-bit CY8Cxxx M8C Harvard 32KB Flash 3.3V/5V 44-Pin TQFP T/R 15762

Part Details for CY8C29566-24AXIT

CY8C29566-24AXIT CAD Models

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Resources and Additional Insights for CY8C29566-24AXIT

Reference Designs related to CY8C29566-24AXIT

  • Voltage Monitoring and Sequencing with PSoC and I2C
    Many systems require a variety of voltages to power the ASICs, FPGAs, and standard logic found in today's designs. To further complicate the design, some of these devices require voltages to power-on in a specific sequence, lest damage to the chip will occur. There are a variety of voltage monitoring and sequencing devices available today. However, they can be expensive and often do not meet the needs of the design since they offer little or no programmability. A PSoC devices is an excellent choice for monitoring and sequencing the voltages. With its analog structure and programmability, the PSoC can be a perfect fit for the most stringent designs.
  • LIN Bus 2.0 Reference Design
    This development kit is no longer available. This web page has been left in place for informational purposes only.
  • Multi-Channel Fan Speed Control System
    This element describes the implementation of a multi-channel fan speed control system. The proposed implementation shows how to use low-cost, two-wire fans in different temperature control systems.
  • DTMF Detector
    This element describes the implementation of a dual-tone multiple frequency (DTMF) detector.
  • UART to SPI Bridge
    PSoC is capable of interfacing with several communication protocols such as UART, SPI, USB, and I2C. It can serve as a bridge between two buses. This application note demonstrates how PSoC's flexibility is used to configure it as a UART to SPI bridge.
  • UART to DMX Bridge
    This application note discusses how PSoC can act as a bridge between UART and DMX512 protocols. An example program for UART to DMX Bridge and a PC based user interface to control the DMX device are also demonstrated.
  • I2C to SPI Bridge
    PSoC is capable of interfacing with several communication protocols such as UART, SPI, USB, and I2C. It serves as a bridge between two buses. This application note demonstrates how PSoC's flexibility is used to configure it as an I2C to SPI bridge.

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