BSP300H6327XUSA1 by: Infineon Technologies AG

Power Field-Effect Transistor, 0.19A I(D), 800V, 20ohm, 1-Element, N-Channel, Silicon, Metal-oxide Semiconductor FET, GREEN, PLASTIC PACKAGE-4

Part Details for BSP300H6327XUSA1 by Infineon Technologies AG

Results Overview of BSP300H6327XUSA1 by Infineon Technologies AG

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BSP300H6327XUSA1 Information

BSP300H6327XUSA1 by Infineon Technologies AG is a Power Field-Effect Transistor.
Power Field-Effect Transistors are under the broader part category of Transistors.

A transistor is a small semiconductor device used to amplify, control, or create electrical signals. When selecting a transistor, factors such as voltage, current rating, gain, and power dissipation must be considered, with common types. Read more about Transistors on our Transistors part category page.

Price & Stock for BSP300H6327XUSA1

Part # Distributor Description Stock Price Buy
DISTI # SP001058720
EBV Elektronik Trans MOSFET NCH 800V 019A 4Pin SOT223 TR (Alt: SP001058720) RoHS: Compliant Min Qty: 1000 Package Multiple: 1000 Lead time: 143 Weeks, 0 Days EBV - 0
Buy Now
Vyrian Transistors 1595
Win Source Electronics MOSFET N-CH 800V 190MA SOT-223 16900
  • 35 $1.4491
  • 85 $1.1891
  • 135 $1.1519
  • 180 $1.1147
  • 235 $1.0776
  • 315 $0.9661
$0.9661 / $1.4491 Buy Now

Part Details for BSP300H6327XUSA1

BSP300H6327XUSA1 CAD Models

BSP300H6327XUSA1 Part Data Attributes

BSP300H6327XUSA1 Infineon Technologies AG
Buy Now Datasheet
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BSP300H6327XUSA1 Infineon Technologies AG Power Field-Effect Transistor, 0.19A I(D), 800V, 20ohm, 1-Element, N-Channel, Silicon, Metal-oxide Semiconductor FET, GREEN, PLASTIC PACKAGE-4
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Pbfree Code Yes
Rohs Code Yes
Part Life Cycle Code Obsolete
Package Description SMALL OUTLINE, R-PDSO-G4
Pin Count 4
Reach Compliance Code compliant
Samacsys Manufacturer Infineon
Additional Feature AVALANCHE RATED
Avalanche Energy Rating (Eas) 36 mJ
Case Connection DRAIN
DS Breakdown Voltage-Min 800 V
Drain Current-Max (ID) 0.19 A
Drain-source On Resistance-Max 20 Ω
JESD-30 Code R-PDSO-G4
JESD-609 Code e3
Moisture Sensitivity Level 3
Number of Elements 1
Number of Terminals 4
Package Body Material PLASTIC/EPOXY
Peak Reflow Temperature (Cel) 260
Polarity/Channel Type N-CHANNEL
Pulsed Drain Current-Max (IDM) 0.76 A
Reference Standard AEC-Q101
Surface Mount YES
Terminal Finish Tin (Sn)
Terminal Form GULL WING
Terminal Position DUAL
Time@Peak Reflow Temperature-Max (s) 40
Transistor Element Material SILICON

Alternate Parts for BSP300H6327XUSA1

This table gives cross-reference parts and alternative options found for BSP300H6327XUSA1. The Form Fit Function (FFF) tab will give you the options that are more likely to serve as direct pin-to-pin alternates or drop-in parts. The Functional Equivalents tab will give you options that are likely to match the same function of BSP300H6327XUSA1, but it may not fit your design. Always verify details of parts you are evaluating, as these parts are offered as suggestions for what you are looking for and are not guaranteed.

Part Number Manufacturer Composite Price Description Compare
BSP300H6327 Infineon Technologies AG Check for Price Power Field-Effect Transistor, 0.19A I(D), 800V, 20ohm, 1-Element, N-Channel, Silicon, Metal-oxide Semiconductor FET, GREEN, PLASTIC PACKAGE-4 BSP300H6327XUSA1 vs BSP300H6327

BSP300H6327XUSA1 Related Parts

BSP300H6327XUSA1 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Infineon recommends a 2-layer or 4-layer PCB with a thermal via array under the device to ensure good heat dissipation. A minimum of 10 thermal vias with a diameter of 0.3 mm is recommended.

  • To ensure reliable operation in high-temperature environments, it is recommended to derate the device's power dissipation according to the temperature derating curve provided in the datasheet. Additionally, ensure good thermal design and heat sinking to keep the junction temperature below 150°C.

  • Infineon recommends a soldering profile with a peak temperature of 260°C for a maximum of 10 seconds. The device should be soldered using a reflow soldering process with a nitrogen atmosphere to prevent oxidation.

  • The device should be stored in a dry, cool place away from direct sunlight. During shipping, the device should be packaged in an electrostatic discharge (ESD) protective bag or wrap to prevent damage from electrostatic discharge.

  • The device should be handled with ESD-protective equipment and clothing to prevent damage from electrostatic discharge. Cleaning should be done using a soft brush and a mild detergent solution, avoiding any harsh chemicals or abrasive materials.