Part Details for BSC039N06NS-HXY by HXY
Results Overview of BSC039N06NS-HXY by HXY
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BSC039N06NS-HXY Information
BSC039N06NS-HXY by HXY is a Power Field-Effect Transistor.
Power Field-Effect Transistors are under the broader part category of Transistors.
A transistor is a small semiconductor device used to amplify, control, or create electrical signals. When selecting a transistor, factors such as voltage, current rating, gain, and power dissipation must be considered, with common types. Read more about Transistors on our Transistors part category page.
Price & Stock for BSC039N06NS-HXY
Part # | Distributor | Description | Stock | Price | Buy | |
LCSC | 60V 125A 2.4m10V20A 113W 2.2V 1 N-channel DFN-8L(5x6) MOSFETs ROHS | 367 |
$0.5661 / $1.0582 | Buy Now |