BGA231N7E6327XTSA2 by: Infineon Technologies AG

Narrow Band Low Power Amplifier, 1550MHz Min, 1615MHz Max, ROHS COMPLIANT, TSNP-7-1, TSNP-7-2, LEADLESS, SMD, 6 PIN

Part Details for BGA231N7E6327XTSA2 by Infineon Technologies AG

Results Overview of BGA231N7E6327XTSA2 by Infineon Technologies AG

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Applications Environmental Monitoring Space Technology Telecommunications

BGA231N7E6327XTSA2 Information

BGA231N7E6327XTSA2 by Infineon Technologies AG is an RF/Microwave Amplifier.
RF/Microwave Amplifiers are under the broader part category of RF and Microwave Components.

RF and Microwave Engineering focuses on the design and operation of devices that transmit or receive radio waves. The main distinction between RF and microwave engineering is their wavelength, which influences how energy is transmitted and used in various applications. Read more about RF and Microwave Components on our RF and Microwave part category page.

Price & Stock for BGA231N7E6327XTSA2

Part # Distributor Description Stock Price Buy
Rochester Electronics GPS / GLONASS / COMPASS LNA RoHS: Compliant Status: Obsolete Min Qty: 1 401973
  • 1 $0.3056
  • 25 $0.2995
  • 100 $0.2873
  • 500 $0.2750
  • 1,000 $0.2598
$0.2598 / $0.3056 Buy Now
DISTI # SP001069624
EBV Elektronik GNSS LowNoise Amplifier LNA 155 GHz to 1615 GHz 7 Pins TSNP (Alt: SP001069624) RoHS: Compliant Min Qty: 7500 Package Multiple: 7500 Lead time: 9 Weeks, 0 Days EBV - 0
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Vyrian RF & Microwave 401763

Part Details for BGA231N7E6327XTSA2

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BGA231N7E6327XTSA2 Part Data Attributes

BGA231N7E6327XTSA2 Infineon Technologies AG
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BGA231N7E6327XTSA2 Infineon Technologies AG Narrow Band Low Power Amplifier, 1550MHz Min, 1615MHz Max, ROHS COMPLIANT, TSNP-7-1, TSNP-7-2, LEADLESS, SMD, 6 PIN
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Rohs Code Yes
Part Life Cycle Code Obsolete
Package Description ROHS COMPLIANT, TSNP-7-1, TSNP-7-2, LEADLESS, SMD, 6 PIN
Reach Compliance Code compliant
Factory Lead Time 4 Weeks
Characteristic Impedance 50 Ω
Construction COMPONENT
Gain 16 dB
Input Power-Max (CW)
JESD-609 Code e3
Operating Frequency-Max 1615 MHz
Operating Frequency-Min 1550 MHz
Operating Temperature-Max 85 °C
Operating Temperature-Min -40 °C
RF/Microwave Device Type NARROW BAND LOW POWER
Terminal Finish Tin (Sn)

BGA231N7E6327XTSA2 Related Parts

BGA231N7E6327XTSA2 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • The recommended PCB layout and thermal management for the BGA231N7E6327XTSA2 can be found in the Infineon application note AN2018-01, which provides guidelines for PCB design, thermal management, and assembly. Additionally, Infineon provides a reference design kit that includes a PCB layout and thermal management recommendations.

  • The BGA231N7E6327XTSA2 requires a specific biasing and configuration to operate optimally. Refer to the device's datasheet and application notes for detailed information on biasing and configuration. Additionally, Infineon provides a configuration tool that can help with device configuration and biasing.

  • The recommended test and measurement procedures for characterizing the BGA231N7E6327XTSA2's performance can be found in the device's datasheet and application notes. Additionally, Infineon provides a test and measurement guide that outlines the recommended procedures and equipment required for characterizing the device's performance.

  • Infineon provides a troubleshooting guide for the BGA231N7E6327XTSA2 that outlines common issues and faults, along with recommended solutions and debugging techniques. Additionally, Infineon's technical support team can provide assistance with troubleshooting and debugging.

  • The BGA231N7E6327XTSA2 is designed to operate in a specific temperature range and humidity level. Refer to the device's datasheet and application notes for detailed information on environmental and reliability considerations. Additionally, Infineon provides a reliability report that outlines the device's reliability and environmental testing results.