BD678G by:
Rochester Electronics LLC
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4.0 A, 60 V PNP Darlington Bipolar Power Transistor, TO-225, 500-BLKBX

Part Details for BD678G by onsemi

Results Overview of BD678G by onsemi

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Applications Industrial Automation

BD678G Information

BD678G by onsemi is a Power Bipolar Transistor.
Power Bipolar Transistors are under the broader part category of Transistors.

A transistor is a small semiconductor device used to amplify, control, or create electrical signals. When selecting a transistor, factors such as voltage, current rating, gain, and power dissipation must be considered, with common types. Read more about Transistors on our Transistors part category page.

Price & Stock for BD678G

Part # Distributor Description Stock Price Buy
Bristol Electronics   982
ComSIT USA PLASTIC MEDIUM-POWER SILICON PNP DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR Power Bipolar Transistor, 4A I(C), 60V V(BR)CEO, 1-Element, PNP, Silicon, TO-225AA, Plastic/Epoxy, 3 Pin RoHS: Compliant Stock DE - 195
Stock ES - 0
Stock US - 0
Stock MX - 0
Stock CN - 0
Stock HK - 0
Flip Electronics Stock, ship today 200

Part Details for BD678G

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BD678G Part Data Attributes

BD678G onsemi
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BD678G onsemi 4.0 A, 60 V PNP Darlington Bipolar Power Transistor, TO-225, 500-BLKBX
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Pbfree Code Yes
Part Life Cycle Code Obsolete
Ihs Manufacturer ONSEMI
Part Package Code TO-225
Package Description ROHS COMPLIANT, PLASTIC, CASE 77-09, 3 PIN
Pin Count 3
Manufacturer Package Code 77-09
Reach Compliance Code compliant
Samacsys Manufacturer onsemi
Collector Current-Max (IC) 4 A
Collector-Emitter Voltage-Max 60 V
DC Current Gain-Min (hFE) 750
JEDEC-95 Code TO-225AA
JESD-30 Code R-PSFM-T3
JESD-609 Code e3
Number of Elements 1
Number of Terminals 3
Operating Temperature-Max 150 °C
Package Body Material PLASTIC/EPOXY
Package Style FLANGE MOUNT
Polarity/Channel Type PNP
Power Dissipation-Max (Abs) 40 W
Qualification Status Not Qualified
Surface Mount NO
Terminal Finish MATTE TIN
Terminal Form THROUGH-HOLE
Terminal Position SINGLE
Transistor Application AMPLIFIER
Transistor Element Material SILICON

Alternate Parts for BD678G

This table gives cross-reference parts and alternative options found for BD678G. The Form Fit Function (FFF) tab will give you the options that are more likely to serve as direct pin-to-pin alternates or drop-in parts. The Functional Equivalents tab will give you options that are likely to match the same function of BD678G, but it may not fit your design. Always verify details of parts you are evaluating, as these parts are offered as suggestions for what you are looking for and are not guaranteed.

Part Number Manufacturer Composite Price Description Compare
BD678 Motorola Mobility LLC Check for Price 4A, 60V, PNP, Si, POWER TRANSISTOR, TO-225AA BD678G vs BD678
BD678 Crimson Semiconductor Inc Check for Price Power Bipolar Transistor, 4A I(C), 60V V(BR)CEO, 1-Element, PNP, Silicon, TO-126, Plastic/Epoxy, 3 Pin, BD678G vs BD678
BD678 onsemi Check for Price Power Bipolar Transistor, 4A I(C), 60V V(BR)CEO, 1-Element, PNP, Silicon, TO-225AA, Plastic/Epoxy, 3 Pin BD678G vs BD678
BD678 STMicroelectronics $0.3702 PNP power Darlington transistor BD678G vs BD678
Part Number Manufacturer Composite Price Description Compare
BD680 STMicroelectronics Check for Price PNP power Darlington transistor BD678G vs BD680
JAN2N5666S Semicoa Semiconductors Check for Price Power Bipolar Transistor, 5A I(C), 200V V(BR)CEO, 1-Element, NPN, Silicon, Metal, 3 Pin, HERMETIC SEALED, METAL CAN-3 BD678G vs JAN2N5666S
BD680G onsemi Check for Price 4.0 A, 80 V PNP Darlington Bipolar Power Transistor, TO-225, 500-BLKBX BD678G vs BD680G
TIP107 General Transistor Corp Check for Price Power Bipolar Transistor, 8A I(C), 100V V(BR)CEO, 1-Element, PNP, Silicon, TO-220AB, Plastic/Epoxy, 3 Pin, TO-220AB, 3 PIN BD678G vs TIP107
TIP125 TT Electronics Resistors Check for Price Power Bipolar Transistor, 5A I(C), 60V V(BR)CEO, 1-Element, PNP, Silicon, TO-220AB, Plastic/Epoxy, 3 Pin, TO-220AB, 3 PIN BD678G vs TIP125
2SD946A Panasonic Electronic Components Check for Price Power Bipolar Transistor, 1A I(C), 50V V(BR)CEO, 1-Element, NPN, Silicon, TO-126, Plastic/Epoxy, 3 Pin, ROHS COMPLIANT, TO-126B-A1, 3 PIN BD678G vs 2SD946A
BDX33C STMicroelectronics $0.5115 Low voltage NPN Power Darlington transistor BD678G vs BDX33C
BD776 onsemi Check for Price 4A, 45V, PNP, Si, POWER TRANSISTOR, TO-225AA, PLASTIC, CASE 77-08, 3 PIN BD678G vs BD776
TIP107 Rectron Semiconductor Check for Price Power Bipolar Transistor, 8A I(C), 1-Element, PNP, Silicon, TO-220AB, Plastic/Epoxy, 3 Pin, TO-220, 3 PIN BD678G vs TIP107
KSE700 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation Check for Price Power Bipolar Transistor, 4A I(C), 60V V(BR)CEO, 1-Element, PNP, Silicon, TO-126, Plastic/Epoxy, 3 Pin, TO-126, 3 PIN BD678G vs KSE700

BD678G Related Parts

BD678G Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • A recommended PCB layout for optimal thermal performance would be to use a 2-layer or 4-layer board with a thermal relief pattern on the top layer, and a solid copper pour on the bottom layer connected to the GND pin. This helps to dissipate heat efficiently.

  • To ensure stable operation with a high-ESR output capacitor, it's recommended to add a small ceramic capacitor (e.g., 100nF) in parallel with the output capacitor to improve the overall ESR and reduce the risk of oscillation.

  • The maximum allowed voltage on the EN pin is 6V. Exceeding this voltage may cause damage to the internal circuitry. It's recommended to use a voltage divider or a buffer circuit to ensure the EN pin voltage remains within the specified range.

  • While the BD678G is rated for operation up to 125°C, it's essential to consider the derating of the maximum junction temperature (Tj) and the power dissipation (PD) when operating in high-temperature environments. Consult the datasheet and application notes for guidance on thermal management and derating.

  • To troubleshoot oscillations or instability issues, check the PCB layout, output capacitor selection, and input voltage ripple. Ensure the output capacitor is properly decoupled, and the input voltage is within the specified range. Also, verify that the EN pin is properly driven and not floating.