BC846B by:
Vishay Semiconductors
Allegro MicroSystems LLC
AnBon Semi
Born Semiconductor (Shenzhen) Co Ltd
Bytesonic Corporation
CBI-electric Group
Central Semiconductor Corp
Comchip Technology Corporation Ltd
Continental Device India Ltd
Diodes Incorporated
Diotec Semiconductor AG
Dongguan YFW Electronics Co Ltd
ElecSuper Electronics
EVVO Semiconductor
Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation
Formosa Microsemi Co Ltd
Freescale Semiconductor
Galaxy Microelectronics
Galaxy Semi-Conductor Co Ltd
Goodwork Semiconductor Co Ltd
Guangdong Hottech Industrrial Co
HSMC Corporation
Infineon Technologies AG
ITT Corporation
Jiangsu Changjiang Electronics Technology Co Ltd
Jiangsu High diode Semiconductor Co Ltd
Kodenshi Corporation
KUU Semiconductor
Kuwait Semiconductor Co Ltd
Lite-On Semiconductor Corporation
LRC Leshan Radio Co Ltd
Luguang Electronic Technology Co Ltd
Micro Commercial Components
Motorola Mobility LLC
Motorola Semiconductor Products
National Semiconductor Corporation
North American Philips Discrete Products Div
NXP Semiconductors
PanJit Semiconductor
Philips Semiconductors
Plessey Semiconductors Ltd
Promax-Johnton Electronic Corporation
Rectron Semiconductor
Rochester Electronics LLC
ROHM Semiconductor
Samsung Semiconductor
Secos Corporation
Semtech Corporation
Shandong Jingdao Microelectronics Co Ltd
Shandong Yiguang Electronic Joint Stock Co Ltd
Shanghai Lunsure Electronic Technology Co Ltd
Shikues Semiconductor
SPC Multicomp
Suzhou Good-Ark Electronics Co Ltd
SynSemi Inc
Taitron Components Inc
Taiwan Semiconductor
TDK Micronas GmbH
Texas Instruments
Toshiba America Electronic Components
Unisonic Technologies Co Ltd
Vishay Intertechnologies
Vishay Semiconductors
Vishay Sprague
Weitronic Enterprise Co Ltd
YAGEO Corporation
Yangzhou Yangjie Electronics Co Ltd
Zetex / Diodes Inc
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Small Signal Bipolar Transistor, 0.1A I(C), 65V V(BR)CEO, 1-Element, NPN, Silicon, TO-236AB, PLASTIC PACKAGE-3

Part Details for BC846B by Vishay Semiconductors

Overview of BC846B by Vishay Semiconductors

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Applications Consumer Electronics Education and Research Industrial Automation Audio and Video Systems Electronic Manufacturing

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BC846B Part Data Attributes

BC846B Vishay Semiconductors
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BC846B Vishay Semiconductors Small Signal Bipolar Transistor, 0.1A I(C), 65V V(BR)CEO, 1-Element, NPN, Silicon, TO-236AB, PLASTIC PACKAGE-3
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Rohs Code Yes
Part Life Cycle Code Obsolete
Part Package Code SOT-23
Package Description PLASTIC PACKAGE-3
Pin Count 3
Reach Compliance Code compliant
Collector Current-Max (IC) 0.1 A
Collector-Emitter Voltage-Max 65 V
Configuration SINGLE
DC Current Gain-Min (hFE) 200
JEDEC-95 Code TO-236AB
JESD-30 Code R-PDSO-G3
JESD-609 Code e3
Moisture Sensitivity Level 1
Number of Elements 1
Number of Terminals 3
Package Body Material PLASTIC/EPOXY
Polarity/Channel Type NPN
Qualification Status Not Qualified
Surface Mount YES
Terminal Finish MATTE TIN
Terminal Form GULL WING
Terminal Position DUAL
Transistor Application SWITCHING
Transistor Element Material SILICON
Transition Frequency-Nom (fT) 300 MHz

Alternate Parts for BC846B

This table gives cross-reference parts and alternative options found for BC846B. The Form Fit Function (FFF) tab will give you the options that are more likely to serve as direct pin-to-pin alternates or drop-in parts. The Functional Equivalents tab will give you options that are likely to match the same function of BC846B, but it may not fit your design. Always verify details of parts you are evaluating, as these parts are offered as suggestions for what you are looking for and are not guaranteed.

Part Number Manufacturer Composite Price Description Compare
BC846B WEITRON INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD. Check for Price Small Signal Bipolar Transistor, 0.1A I(C), 65V V(BR)CEO, 1-Element, NPN, Silicon, LEAD FREE PACKAGE-3 BC846B vs BC846B
BC846BTRL YAGEO Corporation Check for Price Small Signal Bipolar Transistor, 0.2A I(C), 65V V(BR)CEO, 1-Element, NPN, Silicon BC846B vs BC846BTRL
BC846B/T4 NXP Semiconductors Check for Price TRANSISTOR 100 mA, 65 V, NPN, Si, SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTOR, TO-236AB, PLASTIC, SMD, 3 PIN, BIP General Purpose Small Signal BC846B vs BC846B/T4
BC846B-TP Micro Commercial Components $0.0229 Small Signal Bipolar Transistor, 0.1A I(C), 65V V(BR)CEO, 1-Element, NPN, Silicon, ROHS COMPLIANT, PLASTIC PACKAGE-3 BC846B vs BC846B-TP
BC846B-7-F Diodes Incorporated $0.0155 Small Signal Bipolar Transistor, 0.1A I(C), 65V V(BR)CEO, 1-Element, NPN, Silicon, GREEN,PLASTIC PACKAGE-3 BC846B vs BC846B-7-F
BC846B Galaxy Semi-Conductor Co Ltd Check for Price Small Signal Bipolar Transistor, BC846B vs BC846B
BC846B YAGEO Corporation Check for Price Small Signal Bipolar Transistor, 0.2A I(C), 65V V(BR)CEO, 1-Element, NPN, Silicon BC846B vs BC846B
BC846BE6433 Infineon Technologies AG Check for Price Small Signal Bipolar Transistor, 0.1A I(C), 65V V(BR)CEO, 1-Element, NPN, Silicon BC846B vs BC846BE6433
BC846BE6327HTSA1 Infineon Technologies AG Check for Price Small Signal Bipolar Transistor, 0.1A I(C), 65V V(BR)CEO, 1-Element, NPN, Silicon BC846B vs BC846BE6327HTSA1
BC846B Kuwait Semiconductor Co Ltd Check for Price Small Signal Bipolar Transistor, 0.1A I(C), NPN BC846B vs BC846B
Part Number Manufacturer Composite Price Description Compare
BC846B Nexperia Check for Price Small Signal Bipolar Transistor, 0.1A I(C), 65V V(BR)CEO, 1-Element, NPN, Silicon, TO-236AB BC846B vs BC846B
BC846B/T3 NXP Semiconductors Check for Price TRANSISTOR 100 mA, 65 V, NPN, Si, SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTOR, TO-236AB, PLASTIC, SMD, 3 PIN, BIP General Purpose Small Signal BC846B vs BC846B/T3
BC846BQ-7-F Diodes Incorporated $0.0229 Small Signal Bipolar Transistor, 0.1A I(C), 65V V(BR)CEO, 1-Element, NPN, Silicon, GREEN,PLASTIC PACKAGE-3 BC846B vs BC846BQ-7-F
BC846BR-TAPE-7 NXP Semiconductors Check for Price TRANSISTOR 100 mA, 65 V, NPN, Si, SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTOR, BIP General Purpose Small Signal BC846B vs BC846BR-TAPE-7
Q62702-C1746 Infineon Technologies AG Check for Price Small Signal Bipolar Transistor, 0.1A I(C), 65V V(BR)CEO, 1-Element, NPN, Silicon, SOT-23, 3 PIN BC846B vs Q62702-C1746
BC846B Micro Commercial Components Check for Price Small Signal Bipolar Transistor, 0.1A I(C), 65V V(BR)CEO, 1-Element, NPN, Silicon, PLASTIC PACKAGE-3 BC846B vs BC846B
BC846B Diodes Incorporated Check for Price Small Signal Bipolar Transistor, 0.1A I(C), 65V V(BR)CEO, 1-Element, NPN, Silicon BC846B vs BC846B
BC846BTRL13 NXP Semiconductors Check for Price 100mA, 65V, NPN, Si, SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTOR, TO-236AB BC846B vs BC846BTRL13
BC846B-TAPE-13 NXP Semiconductors Check for Price TRANSISTOR 100 mA, 65 V, NPN, Si, SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTOR, BIP General Purpose Small Signal BC846B vs BC846B-TAPE-13
BC846-B Samsung Semiconductor Check for Price Small Signal Bipolar Transistor, 0.1A I(C), 65V V(BR)CEO, 1-Element, NPN, Silicon, SOT-23, 3 PIN BC846B vs BC846-B

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