AVT-50663-BLKG by:
Broadcom Limited
Avago Technologies
Broadcom Limited
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Wide Band Low Power Amplifier, 0MHz Min, 6000MHz Max, 1 Func, BIPolar, GREEN, PLASTIC, SC-70, SOT-363, 6 PIN

Part Details for AVT-50663-BLKG by Broadcom Limited

Results Overview of AVT-50663-BLKG by Broadcom Limited

Tip: Data for a part may vary between manufacturers. You can filter for manufacturers on the top of the page next to the part image and part number.

Applications Consumer Electronics Security and Surveillance Industrial Automation Audio and Video Systems Aerospace and Defense

AVT-50663-BLKG Information

AVT-50663-BLKG by Broadcom Limited is an RF/Microwave Amplifier.
RF/Microwave Amplifiers are under the broader part category of RF and Microwave Components.

RF and Microwave Engineering focuses on the design and operation of devices that transmit or receive radio waves. The main distinction between RF and microwave engineering is their wavelength, which influences how energy is transmitted and used in various applications. Read more about RF and Microwave Components on our RF and Microwave part category page.

Price & Stock for AVT-50663-BLKG

Part # Distributor Description Stock Price Buy
EBV Elektronik InGaP HBT MMIC Gain Block Amplifier 0 GHz to 6 GHz 6 Pins SOT363 (Alt: AVT-50663-BLKG) RoHS: Compliant Min Qty: 100 Package Multiple: 100 EBV - 0
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Part Details for AVT-50663-BLKG

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AVT-50663-BLKG Part Data Attributes

AVT-50663-BLKG Broadcom Limited
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AVT-50663-BLKG Broadcom Limited Wide Band Low Power Amplifier, 0MHz Min, 6000MHz Max, 1 Func, BIPolar, GREEN, PLASTIC, SC-70, SOT-363, 6 PIN
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Rohs Code Yes
Part Life Cycle Code Obsolete
Ihs Manufacturer BROADCOM INC
Package Description TSSOP6,.08
Reach Compliance Code compliant
HTS Code 8542.33.00.01
Characteristic Impedance 50 Ω
Construction COMPONENT
Gain 13.8 dB
Input Power-Max (CW) 15 dBm
JESD-609 Code e3
Mounting Feature SURFACE MOUNT
Number of Functions 1
Number of Terminals 6
Operating Frequency-Max 6000 MHz
Operating Frequency-Min
Operating Temperature-Max 85 °C
Operating Temperature-Min -40 °C
Package Body Material PLASTIC/EPOXY
Package Equivalence Code TSSOP6,.08
Power Supplies 5 V
RF/Microwave Device Type WIDE BAND LOW POWER
Supply Current-Max 39.5 mA
Surface Mount YES
Technology BIPOLAR
Terminal Finish Tin (Sn)

Alternate Parts for AVT-50663-BLKG

This table gives cross-reference parts and alternative options found for AVT-50663-BLKG. The Form Fit Function (FFF) tab will give you the options that are more likely to serve as direct pin-to-pin alternates or drop-in parts. The Functional Equivalents tab will give you options that are likely to match the same function of AVT-50663-BLKG, but it may not fit your design. Always verify details of parts you are evaluating, as these parts are offered as suggestions for what you are looking for and are not guaranteed.

Part Number Manufacturer Composite Price Description Compare
SGA2263Z RF Micro Devices Inc Check for Price 0MHz - 5000MHz RF/MICROWAVE WIDE BAND LOW POWER AMPLIFIER, GREEN, SOT-363, 6 PIN AVT-50663-BLKG vs SGA2263Z
ABA-54563-BLK Broadcom Limited Check for Price RF/Microwave Amplifier, 1 Func, BIPolar, AVT-50663-BLKG vs ABA-54563-BLK
SGA2263ZSQ Qorvo Check for Price Wide Band Low Power Amplifier, 0MHz Min, 5000MHz Max, 1 Func, BIPolar, GREEN, SOT-363, 6 PIN AVT-50663-BLKG vs SGA2263ZSQ
SGA2263ZSR RF Micro Devices Inc Check for Price Wide Band Low Power Amplifier, 0MHz Min, 5000MHz Max, 1 Func, BIPolar, GREEN, SOT-363, 6 PIN AVT-50663-BLKG vs SGA2263ZSR
SGA2263Z Qorvo Check for Price Wide Band Low Power Amplifier, 0MHz Min, 5000MHz Max, 1 Func, BIPolar, GREEN, SOT-363, 6 PIN AVT-50663-BLKG vs SGA2263Z
SGA2363ZSR RF Micro Devices Inc Check for Price Wide Band Low Power Amplifier, 0MHz Min, 5000MHz Max, 1 Func, BIPolar, SOT-363, 6 PIN AVT-50663-BLKG vs SGA2363ZSR
AVT-50663-BLKG Avago Technologies Check for Price 0MHz - 6000MHz RF/MICROWAVE WIDE BAND LOW POWER AMPLIFIER, GREEN, PLASTIC, SC-70, SOT-363, 6 PIN AVT-50663-BLKG vs AVT-50663-BLKG
UPC3215TB-E3 Renesas Electronics Corporation Check for Price 100 MHz - 2900 MHz RF/MICROWAVE WIDE BAND LOW POWER AMPLIFIER, MINI, PLASTIC, SO-6 AVT-50663-BLKG vs UPC3215TB-E3
PSA-0012+ Mini-Circuits Check for Price Wide Band Medium Power Amplifier, 50MHz Min, 6000MHz Max, 1 Func, ROHS COMPLIANT, MICRO MINIATURE, PLASTIC, CASE CA1389, SOT-363, 6 PIN AVT-50663-BLKG vs PSA-0012+
AVT-52663-TR1G Broadcom Limited Check for Price Wide Band Low Power Amplifier, 0MHz Min, 6000MHz Max, 1 Func, BIPolar, GREEN, PLASTIC, SC-70, SOT-363, 6 PIN AVT-50663-BLKG vs AVT-52663-TR1G

AVT-50663-BLKG Related Parts

AVT-50663-BLKG Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Broadcom provides a reference design guide that includes recommended PCB layout and thermal management guidelines for optimal performance. It's essential to follow these guidelines to ensure proper heat dissipation and signal integrity.

  • Broadcom offers a troubleshooting guide that provides step-by-step procedures for identifying and resolving common issues. Additionally, engineers can use signal integrity analysis tools and clock jitter measurement techniques to diagnose and fix problems.

  • The AVT-50663-BLKG requires a specific power sequencing and supply voltage to ensure proper operation. Engineers should refer to the device's application note or contact Broadcom support for detailed information on power sequencing and supply voltage requirements.

  • Broadcom provides application notes and design guides that offer optimization techniques and best practices for specific applications. Engineers can also consult with Broadcom's technical support team for customized guidance.

  • The AVT-50663-BLKG is designed to operate within specific environmental and operating conditions. Engineers should ensure that their design meets these conditions, including temperature range, humidity, and vibration, to guarantee optimal performance.