AD7280A by: Analog Devices Inc

Part Details for AD7280A by Analog Devices Inc

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AD7280A Information

AD7280A by Analog Devices Inc is a Power Management Circuit.
Power Management Circuits are under the broader part category of Power Circuits.

A power circuit delivers electricity in order to operate a load for an electronic device. Power circuits include transformers, generators and switches. Read more about Power Circuits on our Power Circuits part category page.

Part Details for AD7280A

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AD7280A Analog Devices Inc
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Resources and Additional Insights for AD7280A

Reference Designs related to AD7280A

  • CN0235 - Fully Isolated Lithium Ion Battery Monitoring and Protection System
    The AD7280A is a complete data acquisition system that includes a high voltage input multiplexer, a low voltage input multiplexer, a 12-bit, 1 μs SAR ADC, and on-chip registers for channel sequencing. The HV MUX is used to measure the series connected Li-Ion battery cells as shown in Figure 1. The LV MUX provides single-ended ADC inputs that can be used with external thermistors to measure the temperature of each battery cell; or, if temperature measurements are not required, the auxiliary ADC inputs can be used to convert any other 0 V to 5 V input signal. A precision 2.5 V reference and an on-chip voltage regulator is also included.
  • CN0197 - Lithium Ion Battery Stack Monitor with Both Signal and Power Isolation
    The AD7280A daisy chain obtains its power from the battery cells it monitors. The ADuM5401 includes an integrated dc-todc converter, which is used to power the high voltage side of the ADuM1201, provide the VDRIVE supply to the AD7280A SPI interface, and provide the power-down signal to the AD7280A daisy chain circuit. If the +5 V supply is pulled low on the low voltage side of the BMS, the isolators and the chain of AD7280A’s will power down. Likewise, if the PD signal from the BMC is taken low, the low voltage supply to the ADuM5401 routed through the ADG849 switch is driven low and also provides a hardware power down of the isolators and the chain of AD7280A devices.