RMAW32K7501DTP by: Kamaya Inc

Fixed Resistor, Metal Glaze/thick Film, 0.25W, 7500ohm, 200V, 0.5% +/-Tol, 100ppm/Cel, Surface Mount, 1206, CHIP

Part Details for RMAW32K7501DTP by Kamaya Inc

Overview of RMAW32K7501DTP by Kamaya Inc

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Part Details for RMAW32K7501DTP

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RMAW32K7501DTP Part Data Attributes

RMAW32K7501DTP Kamaya Inc
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RMAW32K7501DTP Kamaya Inc Fixed Resistor, Metal Glaze/thick Film, 0.25W, 7500ohm, 200V, 0.5% +/-Tol, 100ppm/Cel, Surface Mount, 1206, CHIP
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Rohs Code Yes
Part Life Cycle Code Active
Package Description CHIP
Reach Compliance Code compliant
Additional Feature ANTI-SULFUR
Mounting Feature SURFACE MOUNT
Number of Terminals 2
Operating Temperature-Max 155 °C
Operating Temperature-Min -55 °C
Packing Method TR, PAPER, 7 INCH
Rated Power Dissipation (P) 0.25 W
Rated Temperature 70 °C
Reference Standard AEC-Q200
Resistance 7500 Ω
Size Code 1206
Surface Mount YES
Temperature Coefficient 100 ppm/°C
Terminal Shape WRAPAROUND
Tolerance 0.5%
Working Voltage 200 V

Alternate Parts for RMAW32K7501DTP

This table gives cross-reference parts and alternative options found for RMAW32K7501DTP. The Form Fit Function (FFF) tab will give you the options that are more likely to serve as direct pin-to-pin alternates or drop-in parts. The Functional Equivalents tab will give you options that are likely to match the same function of RMAW32K7501DTP, but it may not fit your design. Always verify details of parts you are evaluating, as these parts are offered as suggestions for what you are looking for and are not guaranteed.

Part Number Manufacturer Composite Price Description Compare
PCR1206F-7.5KDI TT Electronics Welwyn Components Check for Price RESISTOR, METAL GLAZE/THICK FILM, 0.25W, 0.5%, 100ppm, 7500ohm, SURFACE MOUNT, 1206, CHIP RMAW32K7501DTP vs PCR1206F-7.5KDI
RMSW32K7501DTP Kamaya Inc Check for Price Fixed Resistor, Metal Glaze/thick Film, 0.25W, 7500ohm, 200V, 0.5% +/-Tol, 100ppm/Cel, Surface Mount, 1206, CHIP RMAW32K7501DTP vs RMSW32K7501DTP
CR1206F7K5D TT Electronics Welwyn Components Check for Price RESISTOR, METAL GLAZE/THICK FILM, 0.25W, 0.5%, 100ppm, 7500ohm, SURFACE MOUNT, 1206, CHIP RMAW32K7501DTP vs CR1206F7K5D
PCR1206FZ7K5D TT Electronics Resistors Check for Price Fixed Resistor, Metal Glaze/thick Film, 0.25W, 7500ohm, 200V, 0.5% +/-Tol, 100ppm/Cel, Surface Mount, 1206, CHIP RMAW32K7501DTP vs PCR1206FZ7K5D
CR1206F7K5D TT Electronics Resistors Check for Price Fixed Resistor, Metal Glaze/thick Film, 0.25W, 7500ohm, 200V, 0.5% +/-Tol, 100ppm/Cel, Surface Mount, 1206, CHIP RMAW32K7501DTP vs CR1206F7K5D
CR12067.5KD TT Electronics Welwyn Components Check for Price RESISTOR, METAL GLAZE/THICK FILM, 0.25W, 0.5%, 100ppm, 7500ohm, SURFACE MOUNT, 1206, CHIP RMAW32K7501DTP vs CR12067.5KD
RMAW32K752DTP Kamaya Inc Check for Price Fixed Resistor, Metal Glaze/thick Film, 0.25W, 7500ohm, 200V, 0.5% +/-Tol, 100ppm/Cel, Surface Mount, 1206, CHIP RMAW32K7501DTP vs RMAW32K752DTP
RK73H2BTBC7501D KOA Speer Electronics Inc Check for Price Fixed Resistor, Metal Glaze/thick Film, 0.25W, 7500ohm, 200V, 0.5% +/-Tol, 100ppm/Cel, Surface Mount, 1206, CHIP, ROHS COMPLIANT RMAW32K7501DTP vs RK73H2BTBC7501D