BZT52C47 by:
Jiangsu Changjiang Electronics Technology Co Ltd
Bkc Semiconductors Inc
Cheng-Yi Electronic Co Ltd
Comchip Technology Corporation Ltd
Continental Device India Ltd
Daco Semiconductor Co Ltd
DC Components Co Ltd
Diodes Incorporated
Diotec Semiconductor AG
Dongguan YFW Electronics Co Ltd
Excel (Suzhou) Semiconductor Co Ltd
Formosa Microsemi Co Ltd
Galaxy Microelectronics
Galaxy Semi-Conductor Co Ltd
Goodwork Semiconductor Co Ltd
Guangdong Hottech Industrrial Co
Hitano Enterprise Corp
Jiangsu Changjiang Electronics Technology Co Ltd
Lite-On Semiconductor Corporation
LRC Leshan Radio Co Ltd
Luguang Electronic Technology Co Ltd
MDD (Microdiode Electronics)
MERITEK Electronics Corporation
Micro Commercial Components
Microsemi Corporation
Nextgen Components
PanJit Semiconductor
Rectron Semiconductor
Secos Corporation
Shenzhen City Xiangyunfeiwu Technology Co Ltd
Shikues Semiconductor
Silicon Standard Corp
Silicon-Based Technology Corp
Suzhou Good-Ark Electronics Co Ltd
Taitron Components Inc
Taiwan Semiconductor
TDK Micronas GmbH
Vishay Intertechnologies
Vishay Semiconductors
Won-Top Electronics Co Ltd
YAGEO Corporation
Yangzhou Yangjie Electronics Co Ltd
Not Found

Zener Diode, 47V V(Z), 6%, 0.5W

Part Details for BZT52C47 by Jiangsu Changjiang Electronics Technology Co Ltd

Overview of BZT52C47 by Jiangsu Changjiang Electronics Technology Co Ltd

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Applications Consumer Electronics Environmental Monitoring Audio and Video Systems Aerospace and Defense Energy and Power Systems Telecommunications Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Vision Systems Medical Imaging Renewable Energy

Part Details for BZT52C47

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BZT52C47 Part Data Attributes

BZT52C47 Jiangsu Changjiang Electronics Technology Co Ltd
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BZT52C47 Jiangsu Changjiang Electronics Technology Co Ltd Zener Diode, 47V V(Z), 6%, 0.5W
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Part Life Cycle Code Contact Manufacturer
Reach Compliance Code unknown
HTS Code 8541.10.00.50
Configuration SINGLE
Dynamic Impedance-Max 100 Ω
Number of Elements 1
Operating Temperature-Max 150 °C
Power Dissipation-Max 0.5 W
Reference Voltage-Nom 47 V
Surface Mount YES
Voltage Tol-Max 6%
Working Test Current 5 mA

Alternate Parts for BZT52C47

This table gives cross-reference parts and alternative options found for BZT52C47. The Form Fit Function (FFF) tab will give you the options that are more likely to serve as direct pin-to-pin alternates or drop-in parts. The Functional Equivalents tab will give you options that are likely to match the same function of BZT52C47, but it may not fit your design. Always verify details of parts you are evaluating, as these parts are offered as suggestions for what you are looking for and are not guaranteed.

Part Number Manufacturer Composite Price Description Compare
BZT52C47Q-7-F Diodes Incorporated Check for Price Zener Diode, 47V V(Z), 6.38%, 0.37W, Silicon, Unidirectional, GREEN, PLASTIC PACKAGE-2 BZT52C47 vs BZT52C47Q-7-F
BZT52C47-E3-08 Vishay Intertechnologies $0.0446 Zener Diode, 47V V(Z), 6.38%, 0.5W, Silicon, Unidirectional, ROHS COMPLIANT, PLASTIC PACKAGE-2 BZT52C47 vs BZT52C47-E3-08
BZT52C47Q-13-F Diodes Incorporated Check for Price Zener Diode, 47V V(Z), 6.38%, 0.37W, Silicon, Unidirectional, GREEN, PLASTIC PACKAGE-2 BZT52C47 vs BZT52C47Q-13-F
BZT52C47 Daco Semiconductor Co Ltd Check for Price Zener Diode BZT52C47 vs BZT52C47
Part Number Manufacturer Composite Price Description Compare
BZT52C47-13 Diodes Incorporated Check for Price Zener Diode, 47V V(Z), 6.382%, 0.41W, Silicon, Unidirectional, SOD-123, PLASTIC, 2 PIN BZT52C47 vs BZT52C47-13
BZT52C47-T1 Won-Top Electronics Co Ltd Check for Price Zener Diode, 47V V(Z), 5%, 0.41W, Silicon, Unidirectional, PLASTIC PACKAGE-2 BZT52C47 vs BZT52C47-T1
BZT52C47 Taiwan Semiconductor Check for Price Zener Diode, 47V V(Z), 6.3%, 0.5W BZT52C47 vs BZT52C47
BZT52C47-13-F Diodes Incorporated Check for Price Zener Diode, 47V V(Z), 6.38%, 0.37W, Silicon, Unidirectional, GREEN, PLASTIC PACKAGE-2 BZT52C47 vs BZT52C47-13-F
BZT52C47-G3-18 Vishay Intertechnologies Check for Price Zener Diode, 47V V(Z), 6.38%, 0.5W, Silicon, Unidirectional, GREEN, PLASTIC PACKAGE-2 BZT52C47 vs BZT52C47-G3-18
BZT52C47-7-F Diodes Incorporated $0.0405 Zener Diode, 47V V(Z), 6.38%, 0.37W, Silicon, Unidirectional, GREEN, PLASTIC PACKAGE-2 BZT52C47 vs BZT52C47-7-F
BZT52C47 Lite-On Semiconductor Corporation Check for Price Zener Diode, 47V V(Z), 6.38%, 0.41W, Silicon, Unidirectional, PLASTIC, SOD-123, 2 PIN BZT52C47 vs BZT52C47
BZT52-C47 TDK Micronas GmbH Check for Price Zener Diode, 47V V(Z), 0.5W, Silicon, Unidirectional BZT52C47 vs BZT52-C47
BZT52C47-G3-08 Vishay Intertechnologies $0.0636 Zener Diode, 47V V(Z), 6.38%, 0.5W, Silicon, Unidirectional, GREEN, PLASTIC PACKAGE-2 BZT52C47 vs BZT52C47-G3-08
BZT52-C47-7 Diodes Incorporated Check for Price 0.41W, SILICON, UNIDIRECTIONAL VOLTAGE REGULATOR DIODE BZT52C47 vs BZT52-C47-7

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