ADT7481ARMZ-1RL by:
Analog Devices Inc
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Dual Channel Temperature Sensor and Over Temperature Alarm, C/O FOR MICRO 10 PKG, 3000-REEL

Part Details for ADT7481ARMZ-1RL by onsemi

Results Overview of ADT7481ARMZ-1RL by onsemi

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Applications Security and Surveillance Audio and Video Systems Transportation and Logistics Renewable Energy Automotive Robotics and Drones

ADT7481ARMZ-1RL Information

ADT7481ARMZ-1RL by onsemi is a Temperature Sensor.
Temperature Sensors are under the broader part category of Sensors/Transducers.

Sensors and transducers detect and measure physical quantities like temperature, pressure, and force, converting them into electrical signals for various applications. Read more about Sensors/Transducers on our Sensors/Transducers part category page.

Price & Stock for ADT7481ARMZ-1RL

Part # Distributor Description Stock Price Buy
EBV Elektronik Temp Sensor Digital Serial 2Wire 10Pin MSOP TR (Alt: ADT7481ARMZ-1RL) RoHS: Compliant Min Qty: 3000 Package Multiple: 3000 Lead time: 143 Weeks, 0 Days EBV - 0
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Part Details for ADT7481ARMZ-1RL

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ADT7481ARMZ-1RL Part Data Attributes

ADT7481ARMZ-1RL onsemi
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ADT7481ARMZ-1RL onsemi Dual Channel Temperature Sensor and Over Temperature Alarm, C/O FOR MICRO 10 PKG, 3000-REEL
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Pbfree Code Yes
Rohs Code Yes
Part Life Cycle Code Obsolete
Ihs Manufacturer ONSEMI
Part Package Code C/O FOR MICRO 10 PKG
Package Description MSOP-10
Pin Count 10
Manufacturer Package Code 846B
Reach Compliance Code compliant
Samacsys Manufacturer onsemi
Accuracy-Max (Cel) 2.5 Cel
Additional Feature HYSTERESIS IS 0.5V
Body Breadth 3 mm
Body Height 1.025 mm
Body Length or Diameter 3 mm
JESD-609 Code e3
Mounting Feature SURFACE MOUNT
Number of Bits 8
Number of Terminals 10
Operating Current-Max 4 mA
Operating Temperature-Max 120 °C
Operating Temperature-Min
Output Interface Type 2-WIRE INTERFACE
Package Body Material PLASTIC/EPOXY
Package Equivalence Code TSSOP10,.19,20
Package Shape/Style SQUARE
Supply Voltage-Max 3.6 V
Supply Voltage-Min 3 V
Surface Mount YES
Temperature Coefficient NEGATIVE ppm/°C
Terminal Finish Tin (Sn)
Termination Type SOLDER

Alternate Parts for ADT7481ARMZ-1RL

This table gives cross-reference parts and alternative options found for ADT7481ARMZ-1RL. The Form Fit Function (FFF) tab will give you the options that are more likely to serve as direct pin-to-pin alternates or drop-in parts. The Functional Equivalents tab will give you options that are likely to match the same function of ADT7481ARMZ-1RL, but it may not fit your design. Always verify details of parts you are evaluating, as these parts are offered as suggestions for what you are looking for and are not guaranteed.

Part Number Manufacturer Composite Price Description Compare
ADT7481ARMZ-1REEL Analog Devices Inc Check for Price Switch/Digital Output Temperature Sensor, DIGITAL TEMP SENSOR-SERIAL, 8BIT(s), 2.50Cel, SQUARE, SURFACE MOUNT, LEAD FREE, MO-187BA, MSOP-8 ADT7481ARMZ-1RL vs ADT7481ARMZ-1REEL
ADT7481ARMZ-R7 onsemi Check for Price Dual Channel Temperature Sensor and Over Temperature Alarm, C/O FOR MICRO 10 PKG, 1000-REEL ADT7481ARMZ-1RL vs ADT7481ARMZ-R7
ADT7481ARMZ-REEL onsemi Check for Price Dual Channel Temperature Sensor and Over Temperature Alarm, C/O FOR MICRO 10 PKG, 3000-REEL ADT7481ARMZ-1RL vs ADT7481ARMZ-REEL
ADT7481ARMZ-REEL7 Analog Devices Inc Check for Price Switch/Digital Output Temperature Sensor, DIGITAL TEMP SENSOR-SERIAL, 8BIT(s), 2.50Cel, SQUARE, SURFACE MOUNT, LEAD FREE, MO-187BA, MSOP-8 ADT7481ARMZ-1RL vs ADT7481ARMZ-REEL7
ADT7481ARMZ-REEL Analog Devices Inc Check for Price Switch/Digital Output Temperature Sensor, DIGITAL TEMP SENSOR-SERIAL, 8BIT(s), 2.50Cel, SQUARE, SURFACE MOUNT, LEAD FREE, MO-187BA, MSOP-8 ADT7481ARMZ-1RL vs ADT7481ARMZ-REEL
ADT7481ARMZ Analog Devices Inc Check for Price Switch/Digital Output Temperature Sensor, DIGITAL TEMP SENSOR-SERIAL, 8BIT(s), 2.50Cel, SQUARE, SURFACE MOUNT, LEAD FREE, MO-187BA, MSOP-8 ADT7481ARMZ-1RL vs ADT7481ARMZ
ADT7481ARMZ-1R7 onsemi Check for Price Dual Channel Temperature Sensor and Over Temperature Alarm, C/O FOR MICRO 10 PKG, 1000-REEL ADT7481ARMZ-1RL vs ADT7481ARMZ-1R7

ADT7481ARMZ-1RL Related Parts

ADT7481ARMZ-1RL Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • A 4-layer PCB with a solid ground plane and thermal vias is recommended. The device should be placed near a thermal pad or heat sink to dissipate heat efficiently.

  • Calibrate the device using the CAL pin, and ensure that the thermal sensor is in close proximity to the device being measured. Also, minimize thermal gradients and ensure good thermal coupling between the device and the thermal sensor.

  • The maximum allowed thermal resistance is dependent on the application, but a general guideline is to keep it below 1°C/W. A lower thermal resistance ensures better heat dissipation and accuracy.

  • Yes, the ADT7481 can be used with a fan or other cooling system. However, ensure that the cooling system does not create air turbulence that may affect the thermal sensor's accuracy.

  • Use proper PCB layout techniques, such as separating analog and digital signals, and use shielding or filtering to minimize EMI effects. Also, ensure that the device is placed in a shielded area or use a shielded enclosure.