1SMB64CA by:
Central Semiconductor Corp
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Trans Voltage Suppressor Diode, 600W, 64V V(RWM), Bidirectional, 1 Element, Silicon, SMB, 2 PIN

Part Details for 1SMB64CA by Central Semiconductor Corp

Results Overview of 1SMB64CA by Central Semiconductor Corp

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Applications Energy and Power Systems

1SMB64CA Information

1SMB64CA by Central Semiconductor Corp is a Transient Suppressor.
Transient Suppressors are under the broader part category of Diodes.

A diode is a electrical part that can control the direction in which the current flows in a device. Consider factors like voltage drop, current capacity, reverse voltage, and operating frequency when selecting a diode. Read more about Diodes on our Diodes part category page.

Part Details for 1SMB64CA

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1SMB64CA Part Data Attributes

1SMB64CA Central Semiconductor Corp
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1SMB64CA Central Semiconductor Corp Trans Voltage Suppressor Diode, 600W, 64V V(RWM), Bidirectional, 1 Element, Silicon, SMB, 2 PIN
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Pbfree Code No
Rohs Code No
Part Life Cycle Code Active
Package Description R-PDSO-C2
Pin Count 2
Reach Compliance Code not_compliant
HTS Code 8541.10.00.50
Breakdown Voltage-Max 81.8 V
Breakdown Voltage-Min 71.1 V
Breakdown Voltage-Nom 76.45 V
Clamping Voltage-Max 103 V
Configuration SINGLE
Diode Element Material SILICON
JESD-30 Code R-PDSO-C2
JESD-609 Code e0
Non-rep Peak Rev Power Dis-Max 600 W
Number of Elements 1
Number of Terminals 2
Operating Temperature-Max 150 °C
Operating Temperature-Min -65 °C
Package Body Material PLASTIC/EPOXY
Qualification Status Not Qualified
Reference Standard UL RECOGNIZED
Rep Pk Reverse Voltage-Max 64 V
Surface Mount YES
Technology AVALANCHE
Terminal Finish TIN LEAD
Terminal Form C BEND
Terminal Position DUAL

Alternate Parts for 1SMB64CA

This table gives cross-reference parts and alternative options found for 1SMB64CA. The Form Fit Function (FFF) tab will give you the options that are more likely to serve as direct pin-to-pin alternates or drop-in parts. The Functional Equivalents tab will give you options that are likely to match the same function of 1SMB64CA, but it may not fit your design. Always verify details of parts you are evaluating, as these parts are offered as suggestions for what you are looking for and are not guaranteed.

Part Number Manufacturer Composite Price Description Compare
SMBJ64CE3 Microsemi Corporation Check for Price Trans Voltage Suppressor Diode, 600W, 64V V(RWM), Bidirectional, 1 Element, Silicon, DO-214AA, ROHS COMPLIANT, PLASTIC, SMBJ, 2 PIN 1SMB64CA vs SMBJ64CE3
SMBJ64CE3/TR13 Microsemi Corporation Check for Price Trans Voltage Suppressor Diode, 600W, 64V V(RWM), Bidirectional, 1 Element, Silicon, DO-214AA, ROHS COMPLIANT, PLASTIC, SMBJ, 2 PIN 1SMB64CA vs SMBJ64CE3/TR13
P6SMBJ64CATRF World Products Inc Check for Price Trans Voltage Suppressor Diode, 600W, 64V V(RWM), Bidirectional, 1 Element, Silicon, DO-214AA, PLASTIC PACKAGE-2 1SMB64CA vs P6SMBJ64CATRF
SMBJ64CA BrightKing Inc Check for Price Trans Voltage Suppressor Diode, 600W, 64V V(RWM), Bidirectional, 1 Element, Silicon, DO-214AA, PLASTIC, SMB, 2 PIN 1SMB64CA vs SMBJ64CA
P6SMBJ64CATR World Products Inc Check for Price Trans Voltage Suppressor Diode, 600W, 64V V(RWM), Bidirectional, 1 Element, Silicon, DO-214AA, PLASTIC PACKAGE-2 1SMB64CA vs P6SMBJ64CATR
SMBJ64CAE3 Microsemi Corporation Check for Price Trans Voltage Suppressor Diode, 600W, 64V V(RWM), Bidirectional, 1 Element, Silicon, DO-214AA, ROHS COMPLIANT, PLASTIC PACKAGE-2 1SMB64CA vs SMBJ64CAE3
SMBJ64CAE3/TR7 Microsemi Corporation Check for Price Trans Voltage Suppressor Diode, 600W, 64V V(RWM), Bidirectional, 1 Element, Silicon, DO-214AA, ROHS COMPLIANT, PLASTIC, SMBJ, 2 PIN 1SMB64CA vs SMBJ64CAE3/TR7
SMBJ64CTRE3 Microsemi Corporation Check for Price Trans Voltage Suppressor Diode, 64V V(RWM), Bidirectional, 1SMB64CA vs SMBJ64CTRE3
SMBJ64CE3/TR7 Microsemi Corporation Check for Price Trans Voltage Suppressor Diode, 600W, 64V V(RWM), Bidirectional, 1 Element, Silicon, DO-214AA, ROHS COMPLIANT, PLASTIC, SMBJ, 2 PIN 1SMB64CA vs SMBJ64CE3/TR7
1SMB64CABK Central Semiconductor Corp Check for Price Trans Voltage Suppressor Diode, 600W, 64V V(RWM), Bidirectional, 1 Element, Silicon, 1SMB64CA vs 1SMB64CABK
Part Number Manufacturer Composite Price Description Compare
SMBJP6KE75AE3TR Microsemi Corporation Check for Price Trans Voltage Suppressor Diode, 600W, 64.1V V(RWM), Unidirectional, 1 Element, Silicon, DO-214AA, PLASTIC, SMBJ, 2 PIN 1SMB64CA vs SMBJP6KE75AE3TR
SMBJP6KE75AHE3-TP Micro Commercial Components Check for Price Trans Voltage Suppressor Diode, 600W, 64.1V V(RWM), Unidirectional, 1 Element, Silicon, DO-214AA, SMBJ, 2 PIN 1SMB64CA vs SMBJP6KE75AHE3-TP
P6FMBJ75CA Rectron Semiconductor Check for Price Trans Voltage Suppressor Diode, 600W, 64.1V V(RWM), Bidirectional, 1 Element, Silicon, DO-214AA, PLASTIC PACKAGE-2 1SMB64CA vs P6FMBJ75CA
P6SMBJ75C_R2_10001 PanJit Semiconductor Check for Price Trans Voltage Suppressor Diode 1SMB64CA vs P6SMBJ75C_R2_10001
P6SMBJ75CA-AU_R1_000A1 PanJit Semiconductor Check for Price Trans Voltage Suppressor Diode, 600W, 75V V(RWM), Bidirectional, 1 Element, Silicon, DO-214AA, SMB, 2 PIN 1SMB64CA vs P6SMBJ75CA-AU_R1_000A1
P6SMB75HM4 Taiwan Semiconductor Check for Price Trans Voltage Suppressor Diode, 600W, 60.7V V(RWM), Unidirectional, 1 Element, Silicon, DO-214AA, SMB, 2 PIN 1SMB64CA vs P6SMB75HM4
TFMBJ64A Rectron Semiconductor Check for Price Trans Voltage Suppressor Diode, 600W, 64V V(RWM), Unidirectional, 1 Element, Silicon, DO-214AA, PLASTIC PACKAGE-2 1SMB64CA vs TFMBJ64A
P6SMB75A-AU_R2_000A1 PanJit Semiconductor Check for Price Trans Voltage Suppressor Diode, 600W, 64.1V V(RWM), Unidirectional, 1 Element, Silicon, DO-214AA, SMB, 2 PIN 1SMB64CA vs P6SMB75A-AU_R2_000A1
P6SMB75ATR13 Central Semiconductor Corp Check for Price Trans Voltage Suppressor Diode, 600W, 64.1V V(RWM), Unidirectional, 1 Element, Silicon, 1SMB64CA vs P6SMB75ATR13
P6SMB75A-AU_R1_000A1 PanJit Semiconductor Check for Price Trans Voltage Suppressor Diode, 600W, 64.1V V(RWM), Unidirectional, 1 Element, Silicon, DO-214AA, SMB, 2 PIN 1SMB64CA vs P6SMB75A-AU_R1_000A1

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