1932002-1 by:
TE Connectivity
TE Connectivity
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Connector Accessory, Cage Assembly, Copper Alloy

Part Details for 1932002-1 by TE Connectivity

Results Overview of 1932002-1 by TE Connectivity

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Applications Internet of Things (IoT) Environmental Monitoring Financial Technology (Fintech) Smart Cities Transportation and Logistics Agriculture Technology Telecommunications Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Vision Systems Automotive Education and Research Consumer Electronics Security and Surveillance Audio and Video Systems Computing and Data Storage Healthcare Entertainment and Gaming

Price & Stock for 1932002-1

Part # Distributor Description Stock Price Buy
DISTI # 1932002-1
Avnet Americas Connector Accessories 1 Port Solder SFP Cage Right Angle Copper Alloy Tin Over Nickel Finish Reel - ... Tape and Reel (Alt: 1932002-1) more RoHS: Compliant Min Qty: 960 Package Multiple: 960 Container: Reel 0
RFQ CAGE ASSEMBLY SOLDER PIN, SFP RoHS: Compliant Alternative Product Available
  • 0 $0
$0 Buy Now
DISTI # 000000000003780866
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DISTI # 1932002-1
Avnet Abacus Connector Accessories 1 Port Solder SFP Cage Right Angle Copper Alloy Tin Over Nickel Finish Reel - ... Tape and Reel (Alt: 1932002-1) more RoHS: Compliant Min Qty: 480 Package Multiple: 480 Lead time: 8 Weeks, 0 Days Container: Reel Abacus - 0
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Part Details for 1932002-1

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1932002-1 Part Data Attributes

1932002-1 TE Connectivity
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1932002-1 TE Connectivity Connector Accessory, Cage Assembly, Copper Alloy
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Rohs Code Yes
Part Life Cycle Code Obsolete
Reach Compliance Code compliant
Samacsys Manufacturer TE Connectivity
Assembly Item Name CAGE ASSEMBLY
Connector Support Type CONNECTOR ACCESSORY
DIN Conformance NO
Finish Thickness 49
IEC Conformance NO
MIL Conformance NO

1932002-1 Related Parts

1932002-1 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • The recommended torque value for the screw terminals is 0.5-1.5 Nm (4.4-13.3 in-lbs). It's essential to follow this range to ensure reliable connections and prevent damage to the connector.

  • Yes, the 1932002-1 connector is designed to withstand vibrations and can be used in applications with moderate to high vibration levels. However, it's crucial to ensure proper mounting and secure the connector to prevent damage or disconnection.

  • The 1932002-1 connector has a IP67 rating, which means it's protected against dust and water ingress. However, it's essential to follow proper sealing and installation procedures to maintain the rating. Additionally, the connector's materials and plating can withstand moderate exposure to environmental factors, but extreme temperatures, humidity, or chemical exposure may affect its performance.

  • While the datasheet recommends AWG 20-24 wire sizes, it's possible to use other wire sizes with the 1932002-1 connector. However, it's crucial to ensure the wire size and insulation meet the connector's specifications and that the wire is properly stripped and terminated to prevent damage or electrical issues.

  • Yes, when designing the PCB, ensure the connector's footprint and pad layout match the recommended dimensions. Also, consider the connector's height and clearance requirements to prevent interference with other components. Additionally, follow proper thermal management and grounding practices to ensure reliable operation.